Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 13.07.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Death Stranding k GeForce RTX - 12:00
- RECENZE: MSI GF65 Thin 9SD - 10:00
- AMD uvádí Bug Report Tool pro Windows 7 a Windows 10 - 08:00
- Threadripper PRO: 12-64 jader, 128 PCIe linek, 8 kanálů pro (3DS) RDIMM / LRDIMM - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020: brzy začne betatestování - 14:15
- Linus Torvalds přeje instrukcím AVX-512 bolestivou smrt - 13:30
- AMD EPYC Milan se Zen 3 se ukázal: 3 GHz na raných vzorcích - 12:45
- Ubisoft ohlásil Far Cry 6: v srdci moderní revoluce - 12:00
- NVIDIA prý zastavuje výrobu výkonnějších RTX 2000, ceny mají stoupat - 11:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Class-action claim portal for litigants in Apple's 'throttle gate' is now live - 23:34
- Mozilla temporarily shuts down Firefox Send in response to malware sharing concerns - 22:52
- Watch Dogs: Legion has millions of procedurally-generated characters who are all playable - 21:26
- Amazon stiffens seller storage rules to avoid logistical headaches this holiday season - 20:30
- Death Stranding arrives to PC, here's some initial reviews - 18:51
- Microsoft Flight Simulator launches on PC on August 18 - 17:58
- Lego is launching a 2,646-piece Nintendo Entertainment System - 16:47
- Half-Life 3 was one of many projects Valve canceled over the last decade - 16:13
- Even the RTX 2080 Ti struggles with Watch Dogs: Legion at 60fps in 1080p - 14:54
- All the Ubisoft Forward trailers: Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Far Cry 6, Watch Dogs: Legion, more - 14:01
- Ryzen 7 1700 vs. Ryzen 3 3300X: GPU Scaling, 8 Old Cores vs. 4 New Cores - 13:02
- Report: Nvidia has ended production of its top Turing RTX cards - 12:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Solar Weather Station Listens For Lightning - 22:00
- Back to Basics Hack Chat - 21:00