Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 13.08.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Florida Keys turns to UAVs to take on mosquitoes - 23:30
- Lesson's Learnt - 15:30
- CAD Drawings for your projects - 13:05
- How do you get to your flying field? What does your Mobile Ground Control Station Look Like? - 08:00
- Cutting the Norwegian red tape - 00:41
- DronExpo 2013 - 00:37 - Mvorisek RSS
- Zemřel Alexandr Soldatěnkov. Do vesmíru poslal Sputnik i Gagarina - 18:36
- Dopravní systém Hyperloop vás mezi městy sveze na vzduchovém polštáři - 04:55
- Software zdarma: nejlepší antispamové nástroje - 00:00
- Počítač se povedlo postavit až po 182 letech. Tvoří ho pět tun koleček - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Prodeje pamětí stoupají i přes zdražení, někteří výrobci však zlevní - 15:35
- Po mnoha letech vyšla knihovna SDL 2.0.0 - 13:45
- Úvaha: prodá Mark Shuttleworth firmu Canonical a s ní i Ubuntu? - 12:15

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Soutěžíme se SilentiumPC – ve hře je pět cen včetně case - 19:00
- Shadowrun Returns – hutné RPG s výbornou grafikou - 06:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Samsung's curved OLED TV with Multi-View gets $8,999 price tag - 23:30
- LSI SandForce unveils SHIELD error correction for flash memory - 23:00
- BlackBerry launches 9720 smartphone with dated operating system - 22:00
- Liquipel launches Skins, "literal shock absorbers" for smartphones - 21:15
- Samsung shows off Origami printer made from cardboard - 20:30
- Microsoft announces Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop - 19:45
- Oracle CEO Larry Ellison implies Apple is doomed without Steve Jobs - 19:00
- Apple offers deep discounts on movie bundles through iTunes - 18:30
- Facebook buys language translation start-up Mobile Technologies - 18:00
- Xbox One will work without Kinect, gamepad to support PCs in 2014 - 17:00
- Nvidia hints at Grand Theft Auto V PC release - 16:00
- Monthly Google Glass update adds alerts, new voice commands - 15:15
- Windows 8.1 will reportedly launch mid-October - 13:45
- Corsair Obsidian 350DW Review: Fully Featured on a Budget - 06:45
- Elon Musk details proposed Hyperloop transit system - 01:15
- Report: Nokia to launch Windows-based tablet, Lumia phablet this year - 00:30
- Steve Jobs once considered dropping Apple's professional products - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Designing a pressure sensitive floor - 23:01
- Retrotechtacular: Understanding a voltage doubler - 21:01
- USB adapter for an old VT100 keyboard - 19:00
- Just swipe your card and enter the pin… what could go wrong? - 18:01
- Raspi Bitcoin miner may just pay for itself eventually - 17:00
- The BatBox: Portable power, polished and professional. Plus smoke! - 15:01