Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 13.08.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Venezuela se snaží uniknout z inflace masivní adopcí kryptoměn a těžby - 14:15
- Herní architekturu Xe představí Intel v roce 2021 - 10:00
- Intel zahájil výprodej Core 9000, slevy až 25 % - 08:00
- 3. generace 10nm procesu je čím dál zajímavější, zvládá 2,5× vyšší základní takt - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Perovskitové a organické solární panely ve vesmíru: 10× lepší než křemík - 19:10
- Intel odhalil novinky o výrobních procesech, procesorech, GPU i pouzdření - 18:30
- Samsung, ARM a AMD patrně budou vyvíjet CPU pro Androidy - 17:30
- Windows 10 umožní vybrat si pro každou aplikaci konkrétní GPU v systému - 17:30
- TikTok zneužíval chyby v Androidu, tajně získával MAC adresy uživatelů - 17:04
- Video: OSIRIS-REx se spustil do výšky jen 40 metrů nad asteroid Bennu - 17:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel details Tiger Lake with Xe LP graphics ahead of September launch - 23:36
- Total War Saga: Troy is free on the Epic Games Store for 24 hours - 23:22
- Apple removes Fortnite from the App Store over Epic's alternative payment method - 22:47
- Epic fights against 'exorbitant' app store fees with new 'Direct Payment' method - 21:19
- Intel's fourth Xe microarchitecture is for enthusiast gamers - 20:58
- Surface Laptop 3 is down to just $800 - 19:08
- Civilization VI is now available on Android devices - 18:13
- Astronomers use galaxy as a magnifying glass to see 12 billion years into the past - 17:45
- Same Laptop, Different CPU: Ryzen 4000 vs. Intel 10th-gen Battle - 17:12
- Coinbase will let US customers borrow cash against their Bitcoin holdings - 16:51
- Apple subscription bundles will reportedly launch alongside iPhone 12 - 16:17
- Facebook facing $500 billion lawsuit over Instagram's alleged biometric data harvesting - 15:47
- AMC will reopen roughly 100 theaters on August 20 - 15:15
- Upcoming feature will explain changes introduced by big Windows 10 updates - 14:42
- GDC 2021 will be a 'hybrid event' with both a physical and digital presence - 14:11
- Need $200 quickly? Square's Cash App is experimenting with short-term loans - 13:35
- Dropbox rolls out its password manager to all paid subscribers - 13:03
- Marvel's Avengers' PC requirements are here: make space on your SSD - 12:17
- Quake 2 is free to keep on the Bethesda launcher for a limited time - 00:33

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Gaze Inside the Valve Index VR Headset in Detailed Teardown - 22:01
- A High Torque Gearbox You Can Print At Home - 20:31