Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 13.10.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Zastavení výroby Galaxy Note 7 srazilo hodnotu Samsungu o $17 miliard - 13:00
- Huawei Mate 9 již příští měsíc - 10:30
- Zen disponuje úrovní zabezpečení, na kterou Intelu chybí odpověď - 08:00
- Německo se prý chystá do roku 2030 zakázat auta se spalovacím motorem - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Mafia III: Časy se mění - 06:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Radeon RX 470 prý čeká zlevnění kvůli GTX 1050 Ti - 15:32
- AMD opouští aplikaci Gaming Evolved - 15:05
- Měkká robotika na vzestupu, jsou tu další umělé svaly - 14:16
- Jak vyslat Američany na Mars dle Obamy - 13:52
- Další problémy Windows 10, tentokrát s kumulativní aktualizací - 13:20
- Vize BMW: chytrý motocykl se s jezdcem nepřevrátí - 11:05

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Valve demos VR controller prototypes at developer event - 23:45
- Behind closed doors: Nintendo's HQ houses mint condition hardware - 23:00
- Galaxy Note 7 Latest: permanently recalled, 96 incident reports, $100 exchange credit, and more - 22:00
- Watch the second official trailer for 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' right here - 21:00
- Facebook's trending topics algorithms keep surfacing fake news stories - 20:00
- Shazam now offers to play music videos of identified songs - 19:00
- Australian Apple store fires staff after claims they stole intimate images from customers' phones - 18:15
- Cancelled Microsoft Band 3 appears in leaked images - 17:15
- Apple could use E-ink in its future keyboards - 16:15
- 'Beyond Good and Evil' is yours for free courtesy of Ubisoft - 15:30
- Valve adding official PlayStation 4 controller support to Steam - 14:30
- Netflix drops more classic movies as it focuses on original content - 13:15
- Infamous Tech Industry Predictions and Quotations - 07:32
- World of Warcraft: Legion Review - 07:00
- Intel announces Falcon 8+ drone with a top speed of 35 mph (and an awesome controller) - 01:45
- Verizon Pixel phones will get updates at the same time as Google's - 01:00
- Amazon's new on-demand music streaming service is cheaper for Prime members and Echo owners - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Watch The Diesel Effect in Ballistic Gelatin - 22:01
- 3D Printed Nozzles Turbocharge Microsphere Production - 20:31

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS