Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 13.08.2021

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Test: DELL PowerEdge R620 - dvě Ivy Bridge-E osmijádra v roce 2021 - 16:00
- Sapphire připravil duální Radeon RX 570 (Polaris 10) pro těžbu kryptoměn - 10:00
- „Otec“ Nvidia RTX, Anton Kaplanyan, přešel k Intelu - 08:00
- 15W Alder Lake bude mít 55W PL2 a 123W PL4 limit - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- TeamGroup nabízí výkonné SSD pro PS5 se 7400 MB/s - 18:10
- Procesorový podíl AMD opět poskočil, ale ne v desktopech - 17:50
- NASA hlásí, že asteroid Bennu má trošku vyšší šance na srážku se Zemí - 17:15
- Ryzen 5 5600G rozebrán a detailně vyfocen včetně velké nevyužité plochy čipu - 15:15
- Souboj DDR5-4800 vs. DDR4-3200 v benchmarcích s Alder Lake - 14:00
- Německá Northern Data si pořídila celou farmu s 223 tisíci karet s 1,3 ExaFLOPS - 13:30
- TrendForce: Intel s AMD budou dominovat serverovému trhu, Arm zatím ne - 12:50
- Sapphire Radeon RX 570 se dvěma GPU: záhadný těžební speciál - 11:55
- AMD v Linuxu potvrdilo APU Van Gogh s RDNA 2 - 02:00
- Nvidia uvedla kompaktní a úspornou profesionální kartu A2000 s Ampere - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD captures 22.5 percent of the x86 CPU market, the highest share since 2007 - 22:41
- Lamborghini is bringing back the Countach as a limited-edition hybrid, and it's brilliant - 21:52
- Apple's plan to scan devices for child abuse imagery sparks heated internal debate - 21:16
- Apple patents a system that would alert iPhone users when their screens are cracked - 20:19
- US lawmakers are not convinced about Amazon's ability to store palm prints safely - 19:43
- Optimize your Windows 11 experience with ThisIsWin11 - 19:25
- Wendy's is planning to open 700 'ghost kitchens' by 2025 to meet food delivery demand - 19:02
- "Revitalized Quake" spotted in QuakeCon 2021 schedule - 18:25
- Nine Inch Nails guitarist and Spec Ops: The Line creative director partner on new game studio - 15:58
- Microsoft revamps several preloaded Windows 11 apps in latest Insider build - 15:18
- Disney Plus now has 116 million subscribers, beating expectations - 14:46
- Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City, and San Andreas remasters are reportedly arriving in a few months - 14:03
- Amazon planning to monitor customer service workers' keyboard and mouse strokes - 13:15
- Intel has reportedly secured the majority of TSMC's 3nm production capacity - 12:16
- Amazon Games Studios has stopped laying claim to its employees' independently created games - 00:33

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Hacked IKEA Air Quality Sensor Gets Custom PCB - 22:00
- Rotary Time Tracker Puts a New Spin on Productivity - 20:30