Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 14.02.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- My First Quadcopter - Build Update - 23:53
- Want to Fly UAV - Come to Oklahoma - 23:00
- Students Kickstart A Do-Gooder Drone - 22:39
- Introducing the Honey Badger! - 20:38
- Nemo Drone Challenge gains support from the drone community - 18:15
- Are Flouride Batteries the Future? - 17:59
- Drones threaten RC model flying - 17:30
- World’s Largest Valentine Heart with Dedication (for asena21) - 15:30
- Determining Altitude AGL Using Optical Flow - 10:12
- 3DRobotics Quad easy arm replacement (pvc tube) - 08:13
- 6 months inside a drawer, APM 2.0 Flies for the 1st time as Arducopter! - 05:00
- Wired Article on the AUVSI Domestic Drone Meeting - 01:43
- "A system that improves the precision of GPS in cities by 90 percent". - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Česko mají pokrýt optické sítě. Platit by to mohl i stát - 17:58
- Falešná fotka letící stíhačky: Írán se učí s Photoshopem. Má co dohánět - 10:15
- Dnes kolem Země proletí pěkně drahý asteroid. Dívejte se, poradíme jak - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- HP slaví 25 let inkoustových tiskáren světovým rekordem: A4 vytiskne za 850 ms - 00:00
- Haswell se dere na svět, Intel přijímá předobjednávky - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Micron odhalil světově nejmenší 128Gb NAND Flash - 21:30
- Asus představil 10,1" tablet MeMO Pad Smart - 20:35
- Apple MacBook Pro mají nové procesory i ceny - 09:00
- Apacer nabízí nové spolehlivé paměti DDR3 SO-RDIMM - 08:00
- Logitech ohlásil webkameru C930e pro firmy - 07:00
- Článek: Valentýn: seznamování včera a dnes - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Rhino Shield makes Corning's Gorilla Glass up to five times stronger - 23:30
- European Commission funds RITE Project to defeat Internet lag - 22:30
- CISPA cybersecurity bill returns, still ignores privacy rights - 21:30
- System Shock 2 returns after 14-year hiatus - 20:30
- Meet Google OS: Chrome OS when it was based on Firefox - 19:30
- Sweden has the world's fastest 4G LTE speeds, US ranks 8th overall - 18:30
- Google quietly releasing Android 4.2.2, blocks Nexus 4 LTE tweak - 17:30
- Former RIM co-CEO Jim Balsillie sells his stake in BlackBerry - 16:56
- Flaw in iOS 6.1 lets you bypass password-protected lock screen - 15:30
- Valve co-founder Gabe Newell publically addresses layoffs - 14:30
- Apple and Samsung sold half of all smartphones in 2012, Huawei third - 13:30
- 60 percent of gamers wouldn't buy a console that blocks used games - 00:30
- Xbox co-founder says the last five years have been painful to watch - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Brake Light Backpack overpowered with LED pixels - 23:01
- FAA GPS data formatted for your use - 22:01
- Raspberry Pi as a plug-in hash harvester - 21:01
- Your own head-mounted display for under two bills - 20:01
- 3D scanner made in a day - 18:33
- Weightless, the hopefully-not-vaporware Internet of Things chip - 14:01
- Hacking a Coffee Machine for a Better Brew - 13:01
- 555-timer charges lead acid batteries - 12:01

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- WFM7200 and WVR7200 Series System Firmware Customer Distribution V2.5.8 - 15:30
- PQA600A and PQASW - 15:30
- PQA600A and PQASW - 15:30
- PQA600A - 15:30
- PQA600A - 15:30
- PQA600A and PQASW - 15:30

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Nacasovani realitnich dealu pro nejlepsi koupe - 22:49
- Evidence reklamací pro firmy – představení projektu - 18:19