Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 14.02.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple řeší závislost dětí na iPadu a iPhonu - 12:00
- Panasonic představuje bezzrcadlovky Lumix ZS200 a GX9 - 10:00
- Chystají se i 35W modely APU Raven Ridge pro AM4 - 08:00
- Nvidia prý nevydá Ampere v dubnu, ale Turing v březnu [anketa] - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Raven Ridge zbaven heatspreaderu, používá pastu? - 16:40
- Stát Havaj navrhl zákony zakazující loot boxy mladistvým - 14:40
- Intelu unikly roadmapy, jaké procesory si chystá? - 14:00
- Nové ovladače Intelu optimalizují nastavení her - 13:00
- Elon Musk uvedl, proč středový stupeň Falcon Heavy havaroval - 12:40
- AMD podrobně prezentovala čipy Zeppelin, budou mít 7nm EPYC 64 jader? - 11:50
- Reuters: NVIDIA chystá na březen herní GPU Turing - 10:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- How to Get Your Significant Other Into Gaming - 23:40
- Samsung is pushing towards 8K quality and improved audio using AI - 23:11
- Valve dropped the ban hammer on a developer that reviewed its own games - 22:34
- Dyson's electric car ambitions come into focus - 21:46
- Samsung logo trademark filing suggests smart glasses may be on the way - 21:06
- The Evil Within 2 update officially adds first-person camera support - 20:34
- YouTube TV is receiving a $5 price hike and a host of new channels - 20:01
- Bill Gates shares advice on how tech titans should deal with the government - 19:29
- Magic Leap and NBA team up to change the way you watch basketball - 18:46
- Salon asks visitors to turn off their adblockers or start mining cryptocurrency - 18:17
- Qualcomm's new Snapdragon X24 LTE modem supports speeds of up to 2 Gbps - 17:23
- Six US intelligence chiefs warn against using Huawei, ZTE phones - 16:53
- Google shares details of Chrome's built-in ad blocker - 16:22
- Gunman targeted YouTube couple in home invasion - 15:44
- Giveaway: 50 licenses of Disk Drill Pro for Windows and macOS - 14:48
- Snapdragon 845 previews: incremental CPU improvements and excellent GPU performance - 13:57
- The next generation of technologists need a lesson in ethics - 13:05
- New York Times CEO says print edition of paper could end in ten years - 12:03
- External GPU Testing: GTX 1080 in a Box + Core i7-8550U Ultraportable - 07:00
- Preliminary study suggests video games could be an effective therapy for schizophrenia patients - 00:16

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- AT-ST High Chair Elevates Lucky Jedi Youngling - 22:00
- Repairs You Can Print: Fixing Pegboard Clips That Break Too Easily - 20:30