Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 14.02.2022

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD dokončilo akvizici Xilinxu, těší se na trh s hodnotou 135 mld. USD - 17:10
- Webbův teleskop si i bez kamer dokázal pořídit selfie - 12:30
- Chystá si NVIDIA konkurenci pro RX 6500 XT s jen 4 GB paměti? - 11:50
- Ceny Radeonů jdou dolů a dostávají se na úroveň z loňského léta - 11:25
- GeForce RTX 3050 dostane i GA107 ve verzi se 115W TBP - 10:45
- Rusko-Ukrajinský konflikt by až 6x zvýšil ceny materiálů pro výrobu čipů - 10:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Opera now supports emoji-based web addresses - 23:33
- Android 13 virtualization runs Windows 11 on a Google Pixel 6 - 22:59
- Store and share passwords and other sensitive data with Bitwarden - 22:38
- Jared Isaacman, the billionaire who led first all-private SpaceX mission, orders three more flights - 21:21
- Someone created a Wordle archive, so you can solve puzzles from the past - 20:46
- Nvidia could be readying two new GeForce RTX 3050 models to improve availability - 20:03
- Zoom fixes macOS issue that could have left microphones active after calls ended - 19:27
- CD Projekt Red will reveal what's coming to Cyberpunk 2077 in a live stream tomorrow - 18:54
- Windows 11 will warn users if their PC doesn't meet Microsoft's minimum requirements - 16:57
- Nvidia gives statement on RTX 3090 Ti, potential launch date spotted - 16:23
- TechSpot was launched in the 90s as a tech blog called...? - 16:11
- Russian teenager handed 5-year sentence for plotting to blow up a building in Minecraft - 15:34
- GPU availability and pricing sees significant improvement in February - 14:56
- That Coinbase Super Bowl ad was so popular it broke the app - 13:25
- NFT marketplace suspends transactions due to flood of fakes - 12:31
- Graphics card scalpers love Best Buy's $200 GPU paywall - 11:18

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- A Solari Mechanical Digital Clock Hack With A Little Extra - 22:00
- 3D Printing Tiny Metal Parts - 20:30

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- 5-CMUSB2, 6-CMUSB2 - 5 Series MSO, 6 Series MSO - V1.2.7 - 01:00
- TekExpress PCI Express Compliance solution - DPS-DPO-DSA-MSO70000-C, D, DX, SX - Win10 - V10.7.0 - 01:00