Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 14.06.2012

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Specter 360 CS UAV gimbal system - 21:00
- Ardu.. Mower? John Deere's TANGO E5 autonomous lawnmower - 19:00
- "Don't worry, that's not an alien spacecraft, just a flying military robot. That is a totally nor... - 18:33
- AirBurr MAV Can Now Self-Right, Is Utterly Unstoppable - 18:30
- DIY drones in Italy-Tunisia to monitor the death of migrants in the Mediterranean? - 17:00
- Custom made UAV Airframe - 15:00
- Tp-link wr703n as Openpilot (and maybe other) wifi telemetry link, and HD webcam broadcasting TUT... - 13:49
- Getting 6 Modes out of Channel 5 on a Spektrum DX7s - 07:35
- APM1 > APM2? - 07:00
- Dealing with GPS blocking/jamming - 06:50 - Mvorisek RSS
- Fairchild vzkazuje: motory i žárovky spínáme chytře - 00:00
- Získejte ještě více v novém věrnostním programu PREMIUM! - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Otevírá se sezóna evropské robotiky - 10:36
- Získejte ještě více v novém věrnostním programu PREMIUM! - 08:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Ultrabook Acer M3 se nebojí ani 3D her. Má 15" displej, DVD a super zvuk - 00:00
- Jak vytvořit USB flash disk s instalací Windows 8 i starších - 00:00
- KVIK: Za Nobelovu cenu je méně aut Ferrari. A jak vznikla neznámá „x“ - 00:00 - Radek Hulán - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel uvolnil linuxové zdrojáky pro Knights Corner - 00:00
- I Radeon HD 7950 se dočká zrychlení - 00:00
- Zrušili jsme mobilní verzi - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- chystá desítky nových poboček - 18:10
- Nový 24" úsporný monitor od Philipsu - 17:30
- Logitech má novou myš pro masivní multiplayer - 17:00
- ZOTAC uvádí kartu GeForce GTX 670 TwinCooler - 16:00
- Apacer si připravil mSATA SSD pro ultrabooky - 14:10
- HP představuje svou první mobilní multifunkční tiskárnu - 14:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Opera 12 brings camera support, more themes, speed and security - 23:30
- Acer launches super-thin, Thunderbolt-equipped Aspire S5 for $1,400 - 22:30
- Droid Razr Maxx trumps the iPhone as Verizon's best-selling handset - 21:30
- Western Digital intros four wireless routers, one with 2TB of storage - 20:30
- Logitech G600 Gaming Mouse features 20 MMO-tuned buttons - 19:30
- Nokia to slash 10,000 jobs by end of 2013, sells Vertu - 18:30
- AMD lists first desktop Trinity APUs, arriving in all-in-one PCs this month - 17:30
- Internet Explorer zero-day flaw being used to target Gmail accounts - 16:30
- Twitter adds more media partners to Expanded Tweets function - 15:30
- TS Community: Share your thoughts on Windows 8, win a copy - 14:30
- Intel Core i7-3720QM Review -- Mobile Ivy Bridge To The Test - 07:25
- Comcast anti-trust probe launched, DoJ concerned about Xfinity - 01:00
- Activision Blizzard opens Diablo III real-money auction house - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Embedded Linux meets Arduino with the Rascal Micro - 23:01
- Mini Maker Faire in Eugene, OR this weekend - 22:01
- Raspberry Pi finds itself inside a TRS-80 Model 100 - 21:01
- Volumetric display looks like a DaVinci sketch - 20:01
- Using printf-style output to debug Arduino - 19:01
- MakerFaire North Carolina, We’ll see you there! - 18:01
- MITx 6.002x wraps up; here’s a review from one of the students - 17:01
- The effect of code on power consumption - 15:01
- Hands on with Raspbmc - 14:01
- Counting bees - 13:01

Freescale Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Jun 14, 2012 - Freescale Introduces eXtreme Switch Family for 24V Battery Systems - 21:05
- Jun 14, 2012 - Freescale Semiconductor to Host Financial Analyst Meeting on June 19, 2012 in San ... - 21:03

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Dual Ideal Diode Controller Replaces Two Schottky Diodes to Provide Efficient Power Supply ORing ... - 17:10

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS