Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 14.06.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Windows 10 i BIOSy počítají s Ryzen 3000, situace roku 2017 se nebude opakovat - 12:00
- První USB 4.0 zařízení dorazí koncem roku 2020 - 08:00
- Ryzen 9 3950X v GeekBench možná překonal top model Intelu, Core i9-9980XE - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- MSI ukázalo "světově první prohnutou herní skříň" - 15:50
- Intel vytvořil novou divizi Network and Custom-logic Group pro 5G - 14:45
- Windows 10 po aktualizaci nekomunikuje s některými zařízeními Bluetooth - 14:30
- Chystá si AMD na letošek přece jen nové Threadrippery? - 13:30
- DOOM Eternal s podporou ray tracingu: "bude lepší než od ostatních" - 12:50
- NASA investuje do technologií pro mapování Měsíce a těžbu z asteroidů - 12:10
- Komunikátor Telegram kvůli protestům pod DDoS útokem z Číny - 11:54
- Autonomní vozy GM Cruise trápí nebezpečné chyby - 10:28
- NASA tvoří finální plány mise na asteroid Psyche v roce 2022 - 10:26

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- The first USB4-supported devices could arrive in late 2020 - 22:54
- Facebook's Habitat generates photorealistic homes to teach AI agents real-world navigation skills - 21:47
- US adults are increasingly reaching for their smartphones to access the Internet - 20:56
- Steam's 'Remote Play' feature lets you access your game library away from home - 20:14
- BenQ is adding an ePaper mode to its new monitors - 19:20
- Who launched the very first website? - 18:40
- Square Enix has misplaced code for some of its older games - 17:48
- Shenmue player discovers Street Fighter tribute hidden for nearly 20 years - 17:06
- Huawei delays launch of Mate X to avoid Galaxy Fold-style issues - 15:47
- Digital-only UK bank Monzo is launching in the US - 15:22
- Roller Champions from Ubisoft looks to steal some of Rocket League's thunder - 14:55
- No Man's Sky fans are buying a billboard to thank its developer - 14:27
- Ads start appearing on Huawei phone lock screens - 13:58
- Huawei seeks trademark for Hongmeng OS, its competitor to Google's Android - 13:15
- Facebook's cryptocurrency will reportedly launch next week with support from Visa, Uber, Masterca... - 12:20
- Bethesda teams with Tesla to bring 'Fallout Shelter' to your dash - 01:06
- Google's 'Game Builder' tool lets you create 3D games with no programming experience - 00:21
- Master Microsoft Azure cloud with this certification prep bundle - 00:07

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Stylish Alarm Clock Rocks a VFD - 22:00
- Meet the Bootstrap Winners of the 2019 Hackaday Prize - 20:31