Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 14.08.2012

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Defense industry UAV makers transitioning to commercial/civilian markets - 19:30
- Complete Guide to lipo batteries - 13:30
- FreePilot Pre-Maiden Status - 12:30
- Scientists develop fast recharging material for lithium-ion batteries - 12:00
- FPV FRANCE - Flying my AXN jet over Alsatian plain. - 10:30
- RF Coverage Prediction (Worldwide) - 00:30
- 9x Firmware Update - How to Install er9x on your 9x Radio - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Ohromí množstvím funkcí: UMTS 3G modul Quectel U10 - 00:00
- Superpočítač pomůže obřímu teleskopu zkoumat počátky vesmíru - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- KVIK: Obama chce po NASA ukázat Marťany. Google sráží pirátské weby - 11:21
- Antivir je na ně krátký. Na „špehy“ v PC potřebujete speciální výbavu - 00:00
- Špioni nad Bajkonurem: Ruské pokusy o let na Měsíc pohledem z družice - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Tisková zpráva: Novinky WELL - i v létě jedeme jako blesk! - 00:00
- HIS uvedl dvacetifázový Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition s Eyefinity 6 pro extrémní taktování - 00:00
- Barnes & Noble dohání Zentivu, přináší ještě levnější tablety - 00:00
- Deep in heatpipe (rozuzlení) - 00:00
- CEO AMD vyhází oblastní manažery, není spokojený s jejich výsledky - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Sapphire Radeon HD 7750 Utimate: ultimátní ticho - 02:00
- AMD popohnalo Radeony HD 7950, aby překonaly GTX 660 Ti - 15:20
- Příkaz TRIM na RAID 0 bude možný - 15:00
- HIS si připravil top model Radeonu HD 7970 - 10:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft's Hotmail rebrand is a hit, SkyDrive website revamped - 23:30
- EA's Origin, SimCity coming to Macs in February 2013 - 22:30
- Microsoft licensed Apple tablet patents, Samsung refused - 21:30
- Tuesday tech deals: $600 Ivy Bridge PC, $60 Kindle 3G - 21:00
- New site ranks web services based on 'terms of service' agreements - 20:00
- Rumor: Microsoft to speed up Windows release cycle, next update codenamed "Blue" - 19:00
- RIM: BlackBerry 10 in final testing stages, can be licensed - 18:00
- Imo adds free VoIP calling to iOS instant messaging app - 16:30
- Samsung Series 7 Gamer notebook gets 3D display, HD 7870M - 15:30
- Google helping Samsung in legal battle against Apple - 14:30
- Team Fortress 2 Mann vs. Machine update intros co-op horde mode - 13:30
- Acer TimelineU M5 Review: A 15-inch, 5lb Ultrabook? - 04:56
- EA working with Microsoft to release games for Windows Phone 8 - 01:00
- Microsoft: Dell, Lenovo and Samsung will launch Windows RT devices - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Making chiptunes with 32 bytes of RAM - 23:01
- Servo controlled wine glass plays the music of the angels - 22:01
- Toorcamp: Banana Piano - 21:01
- Light painting with the Raspi - 20:01
- Back up the band with some RGB stage lights - 19:01
- Robot servo control using smartphone audio jack - 18:01
- Toorcamp: MC Hawking Robotic Wheelchair - 17:01
- How to design your own LED driver - 16:01

Freescale Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Aug 13, 2012 - New Xtrinsic accelerometers from Freescale deliver advanced performance in a tiny ... - 16:24
- Aug 13, 2012 - Freescale Announces Reference Solutions for Automotive HVAC Control - 16:21
- Aug 13, 2012 - Freescale and Partners Launch Reference Platform to Streamline Development of Prog... - 16:20
- Aug 13, 2012 - Freescale and Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Introduce New Spa... - 16:14
- Aug 13, 2012 - Freescale Introduces Analog ICs for Small Engine Electronic Control Units - 16:06
- Aug 13, 2012 - Freescale's Flagship MSC8156 DSP Broadly Deployed in Huawei TD-SCDMA Base Stations... - 16:04