Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 14.08.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- VR Copter X4 the new Frame for your VRBrain 4.x or APM by VRI First Flight Video - 23:46
- online - 22:30
- Testing a cheap(ish) brushless gimbal... - 20:18
- The way back machine, and looking forward. - 06:05
- TBS Discovery Build - In Progress - 06:00
- Menu of the day : A quadcopter's failed auto mission as our apetizer, followed by our main course... - 00:30
- Droneshare back online thanks to 3DR and Mongolab - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Jídelníček pro cesty na Mars nevypadá špatně. Podívejte se, co nabízí - 17:56
- Pirátsky upravený FireFox má již sto tisíc lidí. Zobrazí zakázané weby - 11:20
- Lančmít a nutela. Vědci v sopce vymýšleli recepty pro astronauty na Marsu - 08:11
- Připravme se na horkou budoucnost. Nezvykle horší počasí zvyšuje násilí - 00:00
- Děti polykají magnety pětkrát častěji než před deseti lety - 00:00
- Problém s kopírkami od Xeroxu je větší, než se zdálo - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Opravujeme televizor: LG 42LG5000 - 15:45
- Infografika: Western Digital zakládá Storage Products Association, k propagaci HDD technologie - 14:16
- Zakřivená 55“ OLED TV od Samsungu vyjde na 175 tisíc Kč - 12:37

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Externí box na disky SilverStone TS432U - 16:10
- Bezdrátová klávesnice Logitech Wireless TK820 s touchpadem - 14:30
- Tichá mATX skříň Cooler Master Silencio 352 - 12:20
- Článek: Steam a ti ostatní - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple acquires, a video discovery and recommendation service - 23:00
- Slack is the latest enterprise social network from Flickr co-founder - 22:00
- Starcraft Universe MMO raising funds on Kickstarter - 21:00
- Samsung offering cash prizes for flexible display device ideas - 20:00
- Microsoft and Google re-launch YouTube app for Windows Phone - 19:15
- Samsung reveals the W789 Android flip-phone, keeps the past alive - 18:30
- Smartphone sales outpace those of feature phones for the first time - 18:00
- Samsung launches first 3D V-NAND SSDs, reserved for enterprise - 17:30
- Google's legal counsel says Gmail users should have no legitimate expectation of privacy - 16:45
- Microsoft: Windows 8.1 will launch on October 18th - 15:58
- Google increases Chromium bounty reward levels - 15:00
- 3D printers to revolutionize the medical field with printable kidneys and livers - 13:45
- Billionaire investor Carl Icahn discloses large stake in Apple - 02:00
- Grand Theft Auto V Travelogue shows new details, screens and a new character - 01:15
- Facebook brings restaurant reservations, TV / movie listings and hashtags to mobile - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- The RPC: a stand-alone MIDI workstation - 23:01
- 3D Printering: Where can I get the cheapest filament? - 21:00
- Reactive target range for Nerf, Airsoft, etc. - 20:01
- Unreadable Binary Epoch clock is unreadable - 18:01
- Making the electronics for a Doppler motion sensor - 17:00