Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 14.08.2018

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Aktualizováno: Nvidia odhalila Turing: tensor-cores, ray tracing cores a GDDR6 - 12:00
- Core i9-9900K se 4,7GHz osmijádrovým boostem bude vydán 1. října - 08:00
- Threadripper 2000 vydán, nabízíme 113 stran prezentací - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Vědci zjistili, jak modré světlo obrazovek ničí naše oči - 23:58
- 22letý bitcoinový milionář naletěl, okradli ho o 35 mil. USD - 22:38
- Elon Musk zveřejní kódy autopilota Tesly jako open-source - 21:29
- Samsung představuje 16Gb GDDR6 pro propustnost až 672 GB/s - 18:15
- Intel X599 bude určen pro 28jádrové Core - 17:41
- Astronomové už asi ví, proč Eta Carinae divoce vybuchla před 180 lety - 16:10
- Čína přes víkend zablokovala i Reddit - 15:38

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 battle royale beta goes down next month - 23:54
- Foreshadow: the fifth major CPU security flaw discovered in 2018 - 23:11
- Microsoft's 'Your Phone' desktop-to-smartphone mirroring feature is now available to everyone - 22:37
- Dark Souls: Remastered gets Nintendo Switch launch date - 22:18
- MoviePass is reportedly re-subscribing cancelled customers, won't process re-cancellations - 21:40
- EA executive Patrick Söderlund leaves the publisher after nearly 20 years of service - 20:40
- Australian government looks to force tech companies decrypt customer data - 20:07
- Square now lets customers in all 50 states buy and sell Bitcoins via its Cash App - 19:46
- Nvidia teases ray tracing-focused GeForce 'RTX' 2080 in easter egg-filled video - 18:56
- Companies are quietly building profiles on how we tap, swipe and type to fight fraud - 18:35
- Opinion: The shifting nature of technology at work - 18:17
- 2018 iPhones could offer Apple Pencil support, up to 512GB of storage - 16:59
- Apple reportedly held secret meeting with app devs to push subscription models - 15:42
- It was 1995, 15-inch 800x600 monitors were the norm, what kind of monitor did John Carmack use to... - 15:21
- TLS 1.3 approved, paving the way for a safer, faster internet - 14:37
- Samsung aims to launch first foldable phone, says Galaxy S10 won't be 5G - 13:59
- Less expensive Apple MacBook set to land by Christmas - 13:19
- Trump signs defense bill prohibiting US government from using ZTE, Huawei tech - 12:27
- The Mega-Tasking Test: AMD Threadripper 2990WX Heavy Multitasking Benchmark - 10:00
- Nvidia Turing is here: Next-gen architecture is the first real-time ray tracing GPU - 05:26
- DRAM revenues to top $100 billion in 2018 - 02:20
- Android 9 has a bug that disables fast charging on Pixel XL phones (Updated) - 00:35

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- All the Badges of DEF CON 26 (vol 1) - 22:00
- DIY Wind Turbine for Where the Sun Doesn’t Shine - 20:30