Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 14.09.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- FDM Telescoping Wing UAV - 21:34
- New major beta release for Andropilot - 21:30
- Announcement, Appreciation & FAA Observations - 19:30
- Budget Compact Ground Station - 19:00
- SHEPHERD-MIL has a new nice looking bird shape uav - 16:17
- Students build a 3D printed plane - 10:58
- Drone-led campus tours! - 00:06
- Virtualrobotix and LiveU at IBC 2013 in amsterdam until 13-17 - September meet us at LiveU Stand - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Raketa Epsilon odstartovala, nese dalekohled na Venuši, Mars i Jupiter - 13:20
- Přečtěte si nejlepší články o špiónech. Sovětech, Američanech i nemehlech - 00:00
- Ray Dolby: Z nahrávek vyhnal šum a filmy obohatil prostorovým zvukem - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- HTC America lays off 20 percent of workforce amidst reorganization - 22:00
- Weekend game deals: Hitman Pack w/ Absolution, ME3 Deluxe $9 each - 19:30
- Facebook testing auto-play for videos, precursor to video ads - 17:00
- Before sale to Microsoft, Nokia was testing Android on Lumia phones - 14:00
- Weekend Open Forum: Do you try in-store and buy online? - 01:30
- Build Raspberry Pi web apps in your browser with Google Coder - 01:00
- Intel nabs startup Indisys to advance perceptual computing efforts - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- A touch screen Geiger counter without a Geiger tube - 23:00
- Using Google Authenticator with an Arduino - 21:01
- SNESoIP: It’s exactly what it sounds like - 20:01
- USB Ableton foot controller reuses old keyboard - 19:01
- Repurposing a ceiling fan into a pottery wheel - 18:01
- Organizing transistors - 16:00