Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 14.10.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Na jakém procesu jsou vlastně vyráběné Ryzeny 5000? - 12:00
- Referenční GeForce RTX 3000 do odvolání nekoupíte mimo BestBuy, v ČR máme smůlu - 08:00
- Ryzen 5 5600 prý dorazí začátkem roku za zhruba $220 - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Muž omylem koupil Autopilota Tesly za $4280, aplikace nechtěla heslo - 20:56
- Imagination uvádí GPU IMG B-Series: 6 TFLOPS i na kartě pro PC - 20:10
- Apple představil chytrý reproduktor HomePod mini - 16:47
- Asus oficiálně potvrzuje kompatibilitu svých X470, B450 a B450 II s Ryzen 5000 - 16:20
- Čína bude mít letos již cca 22% podíl na odbytu firem vyrábějících čipy - 15:45
- Dobrá zpráva, ceny Flash i DRAM mají ještě tento rok dále klesat - 14:55
- AMD hlásí tři bezpečnostní chyby v ovladačích Ryzen Master a Radeon Software - 13:50
- Doom Eternal si nyní zahrajeme i na ledničce od Samsungu - 13:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Spotify rolled out an iOS 14 widget to make it easy to get back to your last track - 23:57
- Ubisoft reveals Assassin's Creed: Valhalla's PC requirements and features - 23:16
- Toronto will trial self-driving shuttles in early 2021 - 22:29
- AMD bundles Far Cry 6 with the purchase of select Ryzen processors - 21:56
- Prime Day tech deals -- the best of what's still available - 21:19
- Apple reduces EarPods and charger prices by 33-percent now that it no longer bundles them - 20:38
- Konami investigation reveals MGSV nuclear disarmament was not legitimate - 19:02
- First Pixel 5 reviews are in, Google's $699 phone - 18:24
- Intel Core i9-10885H appears slower than the i7-10875H, by almost 20 percent - 18:03
- AMC warns that it might run out of money by the end of 2020 - 16:43
- Eight nations sign NASA's 'Artemis Accords' principles for moon and space exploration - 15:05
- Samsung launches new Pro Plus and Evo Plus lineup of SD cards for content creators - 14:37
- Analyst: Nintendo's Switch will be the best-selling console over the holidays - 13:45
- Microsoft fights botnet after Office 365 malware attack - 13:07
- Xbox Series X/S will boost some older games' framerates, graphics, and loading times - 12:16
- Netflix follows Disney, ends free trials in the US - 01:08
- Apple unveils MagSafe-branded wireless chargers and iPhone cases - 00:37
- Nvidia is reportedly partnering with TSMC for 7nm Ampere production next year - 00:08

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Designing and Building a Custom Optical Fuel Sensor - 22:00
- Cheap All-Sky Camera is Easy as Pi - 20:30