Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 14.11.2014
DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Contra-rotating rotors as plan B Update of the Humming Man Project - 19:40
- DJI T600 Inspire - Hobbyking - 13:25
- DIY Ghetto 5.8g wireless monitor project goggle conversion - 03:32 - Mvorisek RSS
- FRAM LauchPad MSP430ULP - 05:46 - Mvorisek RSS
- Česko trénuje kyberválku. Kromě obrany možná budou hackeři i útočit - 19:20
- Vypadá to na předčasný konec. Modul na kometě nemá dost energie - 15:34
- Lenovo Sisley S90 vypadá jako iPhone 6. Podle výrobce je to jen náhoda - 00:00
- Bezdrátový disk WD připojíte k tabletu i telefonu. A nadchne fotografy - 00:00
Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Noctua uvádí tři nové chladiče s 92mm ventilátory - 14:45
- Samsung: Tegra K1 není nejrychlejší SoC. Nvidia: Ale je. (+anketa) - 13:00
- FreeSync LCD budou o $100 levnější než G-Sync, dorazit mohou již v prosinci - 11:15
- Amazon nabídne 4k video bez extra příplatku - 09:30
- Microsoft uvolnil další sestavení Windows 10, přináší podporu pro gesta či MKV - 07:45
- TSMC rozjíždí rizikovou 16FF+ výrobu pro Nvidii, Mediatek, LG a další - 00:00
PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Enermax iVektor.Q: levná skříň s teploměrem - 19:35
- Asus Strix: herní sluchátka, myš, podložka i klávesnice - 18:15
TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple's iPhone 6 is outselling its bigger brother by nearly a 3-to-1 margin, report suggests - 23:45
- Streaming video standards group launched without Netflix or YouTube - 22:45
- Mozilla flips the switch on Firefox browser ads - 21:45
- Court raises doubts on Motorola Mobility's price-fixing lawsuit - 20:45
- IBM, Nvidia draw $325 million US Energy Department supercomputer contract - 19:45
- Project Tango depth-sensing tablet lands in the Google Play Store - 18:45
- Blackberry announces cross-platform voice and HD video conferencing app BBM Meetings - 18:00
- Lyft targets corporate customers with its newly launched Lyft For Work service - 17:00
- Law enforcement reportedly use planes equipped with fake cell towers to track suspects - 16:00
- Apple downplays Masque Attack, government issues warning - 15:15
- DirecTV becomes first cable television provider to offer 4K content - 14:30
- BlackBerry and Samsung join forces on end-to-end enterprise security solution for Android - 13:30
- Microsoft pledges to upgrade all Windows Phone 8 Lumias to Windows 10 - 12:30
- Sony Xperia Z3 Review: Finding the sweet spot between design, performance and battery life - 06:15
- Stuxnet worm found its way to Iran's nuclear facilities via five hacked suppliers - 02:00
- SkreensTV is picture-in-picture for the modern era - 01:00
- A8X chip inside iPad Air 2 found to have custom 8-cluster GPU - 00:00
Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- 2.5 V / 3.3 V Differential 2:1 MUX to 4 LVPECL Fanout Buffer - 18:15
- 2.5 V / 3.3 V Differential 2:1 MUX to 4 LVDS Clock Fanout Buffer Outputs with Clock Enable and Cl... - 18:15
- 2.5 V / 3.3 V 1:4 Differential Input to LVDS Fanout Buffer / Translator - 18:12
- Inverter IPMs for 3-phase Motor Drive - 02:29