Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 15.02.2018

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Zbystřete! Cenový král OnePlus 5T zlevňuje poslední kusy o několik tisíc Kč - 14:39
- 7nm generace Epyců bude až 64jádrová / 128vláknová, nikoli jen 48/96 - 12:00
- Facebook pochybil při ochraně osobních údajů. Německý soud to potvrdil - 10:00
- Intel dokončuje mobilní ultimátní šestijádro, Core i9-8950HK - 08:00
- K Raven Ridge se vyplatí osadit DDR4 s nižšími latencemi - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Uhodni a vyhraj: chladič procesoru (15.2.) - 18:50
- Compulab Airtop2 Inferno: pasivně chlazené herní mini PC - 14:20
- New Horizons překonala 27letý fotografický rekord Voyageru - 14:00
- In-Win D-Frame: trubkovitá skříň nyní v levnějším provedení - 12:44
- Pozor na starší desky s APU Ryzen, update BIOSu může být problematický - 12:06
- NVIDIA Turing: nejspíš těžební speciál pro záchranu herního trhu - 10:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Google's Project Fi service now offers data coverage in 170 countries - 23:42
- Boston Dynamics' updated SpotMini can open doors with a creepy back appendage - 23:05
- FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is under investigation over improper relationship with Sinclair Broadcasting - 22:24
- Secret of Mana remake out now on PS4, Vita and Steam - 21:42
- Nokia is conducting a strategic review of its digital health business - 21:06
- Researchers discover two new Spectre and Meltdown variants - 20:31
- Apple's HomePod costs an estimated $216 to build, analysis finds - 19:53
- Microsoft launches Photos Companion app, enabling rapid smartphone-to-PC image transfers - 19:12
- Apple confirms HomePod can leave white marks on certain surfaces - 18:36
- MIT's new chip makes neural networks practical for battery-powered devices - 17:50
- A major iOS bug is crashing devices and blocking access to messaging apps - 17:09
- Latest Windows 10 build brings 'Ultimate Performance' mode for professional users - 16:31
- See what these 3D games would look like if they were in 2D - 16:03
- SpaceX receives approval to launch satellites capable of offering broadband internet - 15:20
- Intel expands bug bounty program to include Spectre-style vulnerabilities, ups reward to $250,000 - 14:23
- What was the first website to display banner ads? - 13:53
- Fired IT worker jailed for intentionally damaging railway's computer network - 13:08
- 11 Myths About Buying a New 4K TV - 12:14
- THQ Nordic acquires Koch Media for 121 million euros - 01:17
- Cryptocurrency mining is interfering with the search for alien life - 00:32