Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 15.03.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- DJI: "Today’s hobbyist is tomorrow’s inventor, and tomorrow’s inventor is next year’s technology ... - 17:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- MediaTek není spokojený s výtěžností 10nm výroby TSMC - 15:30
- AMD se vyjádřila k podpoře Ryzen ve Windows 10 - 13:00
- Nintendo Switch podle všeho běží na FreeBSD - 10:30
- Radeony RX 500 uvede AMD 18. dubna - 08:00
- Olympus potvrdil práce na 8k Micro43 bezzrcadlovce - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- NASA v poušti Atacama testuje zařízení na detekci života na Marsu - 23:04
- Bitfenix Portal: designová skříň pro ITX - 15:05
- Plány na 1. vesmírný přístav téměř dokončeny, začne se brzy stavět? - 14:30
- Podpora Windows Vista brzy skončí, pokud to ještě někoho zajímá - 12:10
- GTX 1080 Ti: 2,1 GHz na vodě a přes 2,5 GHz s tekutým dusíkem - 11:32
- Cena pamětí NAND Flash má i nadále růst - 10:56
- Švýcaři vyvíjejí jedlé roboty - 00:14

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Samsung investing heavily into existing 10nm (and future 7nm) production lines - 23:15
- Chrome 57 improves performance, reduces power usage by throttling background tabs - 22:30
- US allies have used Patriot missiles to shoot down consumer drones - 21:30
- Connected sex toy maker settles data collection lawsuit, affected users entitled to up to $10,000 - 20:30
- Hundreds of Twitter accounts taken over by Turkish hackers supporting President Erdogan - 19:30
- Justice Department indicts four in connection with 2014 Yahoo hack (including two Russian securit... - 18:30
- Spotify and Waze integrate navigation and music playback into each other's apps - 17:45
- Researchers show how sound waves can take control of electronic devices such as smartphones - 16:45
- Take the first step towards IT success by certifying your skills as a server admin - 16:15
- Tech giants including Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft are supporting Google's battle with FBI - 15:30
- Apple found guilty of price-fixing iPhones in Russia - 14:45
- Exploding headphone battery burns woman during flight - 14:00
- Around 1.5 million Nintendo Switches sold during launch week - 13:00
- Warner Bros. is reportedly in talks to reboot The Matrix - 12:15
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Review - 06:00
- This iPhone case is basically an entire Android phone - 00:30