Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 15.04.2015

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Unmanned : Textbook for UAS studies, a short review - 22:00
- Watch Homeowner Shoot Down a Drone Flying over His Property - 20:11
- Kickstarter launch of Endura Drone LONGER FLIGHT TIMES BETTER PERFORMANCE - 19:44
- Turnigy Replikator 3D printer - 14:58
- FLIR Lepton vs Apple Facetime HD Camera - 14:45
- Drone delivering asparagus to Dutch restaurant crashes and bursts into flames - 12:58
- 3DR X8+ Follow Me Demo | Air Footage | - 06:41
- A glimpse of the scene at the 3DR booth at NAB - 05:00
- FAA approves massive round of UAS exemptions - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Dotykový telefon s Raspberry Pi - 08:20
- Webový server OZW772 pro systémy HVAC - 07:15
- Převodník startující za pouhých 70 ms - 07:43 - Mvorisek RSS
- Routery zákazníků UPC se promění ve veřejné hot-spoty. Wi-Free startuje - 21:38
- EU vadí, že Google upřednostňuje vlastní služby. Čeká nápravu - 14:01
- E-mail končí. Jak postupovat při převodu pošty jinam - 13:00
- Do třetice všeho zlého. Raketa přistála přesně, pak se převrátila - 08:16
- Blíží se jednotné globální sítě. Chtějí je Google a Apple - 00:18
- Trik, který funguje: Jak poznat nepoužitelnou „tužkovku“? Hoďte ji na zem - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel chystá dva superpočítače s Xeon Phi, 10nm Auroru a 14nm Thetu - 13:30
- HP DreamColor Z32x je 10bit 4k IPS 31,5″ monitor - 11:30
- Tak jde čas s 10nm procesem Intelu, aneb plány a realita - 09:30
- Apple nestíhá vyrábět (i)Watch, je to vysokým zájmem, nebo nízkými objednávkami? - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Asus ROG GR6: Mini PC dostalo Broadwell - 15:20
- Intel splnil očekávání a utržil téměř 13 mld USD - 12:45
- Corsair Force LS nyní i v 480 a 960GB verzi - 12:16

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Researchers have created the world's first self-powered camera - 23:30
- Tinder adds Instagram, friends of friends and more in latest update - 22:30
- GameStop is going retro, will once again accept / resell classic consoles, games and accessories - 21:30
- Samsung has a team of 200 only working on Apple displays - 20:30
- This guy created his own high-end cloud gaming service using Amazon EC2 - 19:30
- Revenue gap between iOS and Android apps is still growing - 18:30
- The iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit is 40% off at the TechSpot Store - 17:30
- This Star Wars fan film depicting an Imperial fleet invading Los Angeles is loaded with Easter Eggs - 16:30
- Nokia to acquire Alcatel-Lucent for $16.6 billion - 15:30
- Apple's plans for an iPhone with DSLR-quality camera all but confirmed with LinX acquisition - 14:15
- Europe accuses Google of unfair search practices, opens investigation into Android - 13:15
- Oppo R5 Review: World's slimmest phone, but are trade-offs worth it? - 07:15
- Best Of: 10 free Steam games worth playing - 06:15
- Chrome 42 is out now, includes push notifications that can ping you even after you close the browser - 01:45
- Google Play's new Designed For Families program makes it easier to find kid-safe apps - 00:45

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- DIY Automatic Chain Cleaning Machine - 22:01
- Simple Keypad Scanning With SPI And Some Hardware - 19:00