Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 15.04.2022

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Bloomberg: Apple začal testovat Macy s čipy M2 - 21:20
- Co by Musk udělal s Twitterem, kdyby jej skutečně koupil? - 20:50
- TSMC chce dodat první 2nm čipy v roce 2026 - 16:25
- NVIDIA hlásí opět dostatek karet: Restocked & Reloaded - 13:05
- The Merge Etherea se odkládá, těžit na grafikách se bude déle - 12:30
- Anketa: Měl by Elon Musk převzít kontrolu nad Twitterem? - 05:00
- AOC Agon Pro PD32M Porsche Design nabídne 144 Hz a 1600 nitů - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Twitter signals intent to "poison" stock should Elon Musk acquire a 15% stake - 22:51
- Blizzard launches first major patch for Diablo II in over a decade - 21:17
- Google's latest browser game lets you build and manage a quantum computer - 18:07
- Apple is reportedly testing nine M2-powered Macs - 15:59
- XCOM 2 is currently free on the Epic Games Store - 15:16
- Apple says Meta's 50 percent virtual sales commission is 'hypocrisy' - 14:39
- More than half of Americans would scrub themselves from the internet, 18% wish it didn't exist - 13:52
- Elon Musk reveals his plans for Twitter - 12:19
- Nvidia launches "Restocked & Reloaded" campaign with RTX 30 availability - 01:16
- Witcher 3 next-gen delay possibly connected to Ukraine invasion - 00:33

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Multicolor Drawbot Highlights Importance of Limit Switches - 22:00
- 2022 Sci-Fi Contest: Motorized AT-AT Walker Gets Around With Servos - 20:30