Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 15.08.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft změnil názor, Windows 7 a 8 budou Skylake podporovat - 15:00
- Lubuntu začalo s přechodem z LXDE na LXQt - 12:45
- Konec Shield Tabletů? Nvidia zrušila nadcházející model - 10:30
- Nvidia přejde na 14nm výrobu u Samsungu - 08:00
- Prototyp 3,5palcového SSD od Seagate má kapacitu 60 TB - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Lenovo Y27f: zahnutý monitor s Freesync - 17:15
- Miliony aut koncernu VW ohroženy bezdrátovým hackem - 14:46
- G-Master Black Hawk: 27" herní LCD od iiyamy - 13:26
- Zvuk HDD jako nový způsob pro kradení dat z počítače - 12:45
- Po Pascalu Volta: chystá se plná řada GV104, 102 a 110 - 12:08
- GeForce GTX 1060 se 3 GB bude slabší a možná budou i 14nm Pascaly - 11:25

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Open beta for 'Battlefield 1' begins August 31 - 23:00
- Google removes Google+ integration from the Play Store, tests new features - 22:00
- Cooler Master unveils the MasterLiquid Maker 92, a compact AIO liquid cooler - 21:00
- Audi is adding a traffic light timer to select vehicles - 20:00
- Multiple hotel chains hit with payment card-stealing malware - 19:00
- Report: Apple will introduce 3 new iPads next year and a "revolutionary" flexible OLED model in 2018 - 18:15
- 'Final Fantasy XV' will miss its September 30 launch date - 17:15
- MIT and Microsoft create gold leaf temporary tattoos that can control devices - 16:30
- Google is working on a new OS called Fuchsia that can run on almost any device - 15:30
- Ten things you didn't know Amazon Alexa could do - 14:30
- Tim Cook discusses Apple's AR future, the loneliness of the job, who he turns to for help, and more - 13:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- HardWino Takes The Effort Out of Happy Hour - 22:00
- Turn Your Motorola Android Phone Into a Raspberry Pi - 20:31

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Ultrathin µModule Regulator Gets Closer to FPGAs, GPUs, ASICs or Processors under a Common Heat ... - 17:00

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Passive Tunable Integrated Circuit (PTIC) Controller - 11:27
- Passive Tunable Integrated Cirtuit (PTIC) Controller - 11:26
- N-Channel JFET, -25 V, 20 mA to 40 mA - 11:25
- N-Channel JFET, 15 V, 10 to 32 mA - 11:24
- Power MOSFET, -60 V, -1.8 A, P-Channel - 11:23
- 30 V Power MOSFET for 3-Cell Lithium-ion Battery Protection - 11:22
- Auto Focus (AF) Controller - 11:20
- Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller with Gate Drivers - 11:20
- Quad LVCMOS Differential Line Receiver Translator - 11:19
- Switching Battery Charger, NVDC, 2/3/4 Cell, with SMBus Interface - 11:18

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- TIVM Series Datasheet - 16:30