Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 15.08.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD vysvětlila změny monitoringu teploty u Navi - 12:00
- Phantom Canyon NUC bude vybaven 3. generací 10nm procesorů: Tiger Lake - 08:00
- Vzorek 32jádrového Zen 2 Threadripperu je o třetinu rychlejší než 2990WX - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD zvyšuje svůj podíl na trhu s CPU, Intel s cenami nehýbe - 17:10
- Nový malware Norman skrytě využívá PC k těžbě kryptoměn - 16:30
- Antarktický led ukrýval radioizotop železa, nejspíše z dávné supernovy - 15:50
- Zvláště povedené Ryzen 3000: kolik jich je a jak jsou drahé? - 14:30
- Gamescom 2019 je v dohledu, co nabídne? - 13:50
- Need for Speed Heat přijde v listopadu - 13:10

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Tight-fitting and light exosuit aids walking and running through AI - 23:25
- Apple could punish websites for using cross-site tracking features on Safari users - 22:53
- GoPro's next-gen action cameras spied in leaked photos - 22:06
- FCC to implement '988' dialing code for easy access to suicide prevention counseling - 21:32
- CipherTrace says $3.1 billion may have been stolen at cryptocurrency exchanges in 2019 - 20:44
- Let your friends help you find the perfect mate with dating app Ship - 19:59
- Back to School deals: Budget laptops from Acer, Dell, Asus, also storage on sale - 19:37
- Spotify reportedly set to test higher price on its family plan - 19:10
- 'CRT Santa' leaves old televisions on more than 50 doorsteps - 17:57
- Huawei's Mate X will miss rescheduled September launch date - 17:22
- Norway's first electric plane crashes into lake - 16:45
- Google Assistant will let you assign reminders to family and friends - 16:19
- Amazon can now sell you a Sony Xperia 1 with built-in Alexa - 15:55
- Amazon will start donating unsold warehouse goods instead of destroying them - 15:21
- British Airways to provide VR experience on select flights - 14:56
- Huawei starts 6G research at its Canada lab - 14:25
- Apple responds to criticism over iPhone's third-party battery replacement controversy - 13:58
- Microsoft will continue to let humans transcribe Skype Translations and Cortana conversations - 13:13
- Possible 3rd-gen Ryzen Threadripper appears in Geekbench, beats 2990WX by 35% - 12:20
- The Best Graphics Cards 2019 - 08:27
- Next Saints Row title is 'deep in development' says THQ Nordic - 01:06
- Bring Android Auto and CarPlay to your vehicle with Sony's massive 9-inch touch display - 00:25