Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 15.11.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- On IoT, Drones, and Cyber Security - 17:49
- World's Smallest Cyclocopter - 10:24

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Nintendo Switch v nabídce za 329 kanadských dolarů - 15:30
- Zvěsti: Osmijádrový Zen 6850K má stát $299 - 13:00
- Facebok představil otevřenou hw platformu pro 100Gb switche - 10:30
- Po neúspěchu Note 7 odkládá Samsung ohebný smartphone - 08:00
- Xfce 4.14 v nedohlednu, ale vývojová větev rychle přechází na GTK3 - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Seagate Backup Plus: 5 TB na dlani - 14:06
- MSI Trident: mini herní PC i pro VR - 13:43
- 3D modely osvětlují havárii evropského Beagle 2 - 13:20
- HP Z2: miniaturní pracovní stanice i pro CAD - 12:24
- Vzpruha pro autonomní vozy: levné lidary bez mechaniky - 11:28
- Čína stále vede TOP500 se dvěma systémy v čele - 10:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Level up your gaming experience, get Razer's Kraken headset for $40 - 23:30
- OnePlus unveils the OnePlus 3T, a faster version of its existing flagship - 22:45
- Some budget Android phones are secretly sending user data to servers in China - 21:45
- Telltale Games' next title will be based on Guardians of the Galaxy - 20:45
- Apple announces coffee table book highlighting 20 years of industrial design - 19:45
- CEO loses his job after posting that he will kill Donald Trump - 19:00
- 'Super Mario Run' to launch on iPhone in time for the holidays - 18:00
- WhatsApp's free video calling feature is rolling out now - 17:00
- Ready or not, we're entering an AI world - 16:15
- China still has the two fastest supercomputers in the world, but the US is catching up - 15:15
- Apple said to be working on Google Glass-style augmented reality glasses - 14:30
- Someone has already loaded a custom version of Ubuntu onto the NES Classic Edition - 13:30
- Facebook employees have reportedly created a task force to stop fake news stories - 12:15
- QNAP TS-853A Review: NAS does QTS + Linux combo - 07:00
- Intel's Kaby Lake desktop lineup may include an overclockable Core i3 CPU - 02:00
- Hacker that allegedly stole millions in FIFA coins from EA goes on trial - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Put an Honest Face On Alexa With This HAL 9000 Build - 22:00
- Medium Over Message: A CD-ROM Multimedia Bubble Survivor’s Tale - 19:01

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- DSA8300 Datasheet - 15:30