Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 16.02.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- LA Times: Drones are taking to the skies in the U.S. - 22:54
- Vibration Control Wiki Section Started for Better or Worse - 20:30
- Semi-autonomous flying toy from AirHogs - 17:40
- HackEDA is the Future of Circuit Design - 16:04
- NYT: Rise of Drones in U.S. Drives Efforts to Limit Use by Police - 10:28
- Amazing presentation on what is coming with controls theory - 03:00
- Building New Frame From PVC Pipe - 02:00
- Eye charts for drones - 01:26 - Mvorisek RSS

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Custom 3D printed designs with Makerbot’s Customizer - 22:00
- R2D2 collects Valentine’s cards like a boss - 18:21
- Turning an $8 RFID reader into something useful - 15:00
- Playing with the Minecraft API and a Raspberry Pi - 13:00