Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 16.02.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Rise of the Tomb Raider ohlašuje verzi pro Linux a MacOS - 14:00
- Nvidia chystá jak Ampere, tak Turing. První na hraní, druhý na těžbu - 11:00
- Proč je Raven Ridge ve Wolfenstein II 2× rychlejší než GeForce GT 1030? - 08:00
- Na nových GeForce nepůjde těžit kryptoměny, budou „uzamčené“ - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Čína využívá AI už i k chovu prasat - 23:00
- Windows 10 Pro získá režim Ultimate Performance - 16:30
- NASA pošle zpět domů kus marťanského meteoritu - 15:20
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance otestován, jak si vedou grafické karty? - 14:15
- CD Projekt Red: hráči vrací úder, a to je dobře - 13:10
- SpaceX získala od FCC povolení pro širokopásmové internetové satelity - 12:00
- Intel Ice Lake slibují běžnou grafiku se 48 Execution Unit - 11:20
- AMD potvrzuje, že Ryzen 2000 budou mít opět pájku - 10:50
- Kryptoměny Token od Atari pro filmy, hudbu i hazard - 01:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple requires all new iOS apps to support the iPhone X's Super Retina display - 23:59
- FDA approves blood test to detect concussions - 23:13
- Google removes 'View Image' button from image searches following Getty Images settlement - 22:33
- Apple Park employees keep smacking into the building's glass walls - 21:47
- Authorities are investigating what may be the first drone-linked aircraft crash - 21:01
- Sony's PlayStation VR holiday pricing returns with bundles starting at $199 - 20:14
- Free gaming weekend: NBA 2K18, Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege and more - 19:25
- New York federal judge rules news outlets violated copyright by embedding a tweet - 18:31
- Twitch launches Discord-like chat channels for streamers - 17:52
- The Steam Lunar Sale is underway as Valve adds new Wishlist features - 17:24
- Samsung halts Oreo rollout to Galaxy S8 handsets due to rebooting issues - 16:55
- Tech giants considering bid for NFL's Thursday Night Football - 16:27
- Intel's latest graphics drivers can automatically optimize your games - 15:54
- Sonos One speakers leave same white marks as HomePod - 14:02
- Biohacker to sue local government for deactivating his implanted transit pass - 13:04
- White House calls NotPetya intentional cyber attack by the Kremlin - 12:07
- Sims 4 modder makes $6,000 per month peddling digital drugs - 01:17
- Gamer claims he found a tumor in his hand thanks to the Switch's HD Rumble - 00:29

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- How To Control the Lights with a TV Remote - 22:00
- Repairs You Can Print: Better Cable Splicing With 3D Printed Parts - 20:30