Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 16.06.2012

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Installing APM2 in a SkyFly Max - 16:02
- ArduSat: An Unmanned Falling Vehicle on which you might run code - 15:00
- Diy drone launcher - 13:00
- Testing Arducopter 2.6 on heavy-lift hex... - 07:20
- Blob vision - 06:42
- Aircraft Design for Fail - 05:05 - Mvorisek RSS
- Čína přepsala své dějiny dobývání kosmu. Na orbitu odstartovala první žena - 12:43
- V USA byl za 374 500 dolarů vydražen první počítač Applu. Ještě funguje - 10:14 - Radek Hulán - Mvorisek RSS
- Euro-Titanic - 18:14

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Weekend Open Forum: Best and worst video game sequels? - 02:48
- FCC plans to re-evaluate cell phone radiation safety standards - 01:00
- Orange UK's Intel-powered San Diego smarphone reviews are in - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Finally, a 3D printer for burritos - 23:02
- Recording off a reel-to-reel with a credit card reader - 21:00
- Building your own atari cartridges - 19:01
- Detecting cosmic rays with 18 Geiger tubes - 17:01
- Two software defined radio hacks from our resident SDR guru - 15:01