Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 16.07.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Třetí generace klávesnic od Apple konečně řeší problémy předchozí generace - 14:00
- G-Sync HDR modul prodraží monitor o >$500 a vydělá na něm Intel - 12:00
- Intel koupí společnost eASIC, která vyrábí hybridy ASIC / FPGA - 08:00
- Nvidia bundluje k vybraným GeForce SSD Kingston - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Nahradí AI Mooreův zákon jako hlavní pohon IT průmyslu? - 17:50
- NASA se možná připravila o možnost detekce organických molekul na Marsu už před 40 lety - 13:11
- Valve v CS:GO zrušilo lootboxy, ale pouze v Belgii a Holandsku - 12:20
- Vůbec poprvé bylo detekováno neutrino z jiné galaxie - 11:50
- Rýsuje se podpora 8jádrových Core na starších deskách - 11:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Roborace's fully autonomous race car made Siemens' Mustang look like a chump - 23:14
- Samsung Galaxy S10 could come in three sizes including a 6.4-inch monster - 22:33
- Uber is reportedly being investigated by US officials for alleged gender discrimination - 21:45
- Fallout 4 fan mod Northern Springs should hold you over until Fallout 76 - 21:01
- Federal court says Epic can go ahead with its lawsuit against teen - 20:24
- Google is partnering up with the UN to monitor humanity's impact on the environment - 19:46
- Uber rolls out new features to improve the pickup process - 18:39
- Skype is finally receiving a call recording feature and another major desktop design overhaul - 18:15
- Roku TV Wireless Speakers effortlessly boost your Roku TV's audio game - 17:33
- Video: iPhones survive falls from plane and 450-foot swing ride - 16:40
- Nintendo reveals the amazing winners of its Labo contest - 15:59
- FCC proposal could streamline installation of new fiber internet - 15:15
- Konami shutters P.T for PC remake, offers 17-year-old developer an internship - 14:18
- Developed as a replacement for NTFS, Microsoft's new file system ReFS was introduced with what ve... - 13:56
- Elon Musk responds to Thai cave diver's criticism by calling him a "pedo" - 13:07

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Replace Old Electrolytics? Not So Fast… Maybe - 22:00
- 3D Printer Guardian Watches for Worst-case Failures - 20:30

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- KickStart Instrument Control Software Version 2.0.1 (Windows 10, 8, 7 compatible) - 22:34
- TekBench - V1.20 - 09:21