Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 16.08.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- PCIe 4.0 může mít krátkou životnost - 12:00
- Indie: Apple ignoruje bezpečnost uživatelů, zakážeme iPhony - 08:00
- První výsledky Turingu v Ashes of the Singularity ukazují výkon Titanu V - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Astronomové poprvé detekovali na exoplanetě železo a titan - 18:00
- Wells Fargo vylepšila hodnocení NVIDIE rovnou o dva stupně - 17:20
- Intel představil NUC i s Radeonem pro hraní eSports titulů - 16:50
- Na těžbě Monera přes Coinhive ve velkém vydělává jen 10 lidí - 16:49
- NVIDIA RT: nová jádra nejen pro obraz, ale i pro zvuk - 16:00
- Valve zřejmě pracuje na nástroji pro umožnění hraní her pro Windows na Linuxu - 14:23
- Investor žaluje operátora AT&T o 240 mil. USD kvůli krádeži bitcoinů - 14:09

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel teases its discrete graphics card, coming 2020 - 23:55
- Teen hacks Apple systems and makes off with 90GB of data - 23:21
- Hackers discover a secret 'VR Mode' hidden in the Nintendo Switch's firmware - 22:37
- Battlefield V's Gamescom trailer teases battle royale mode - 22:13
- Japan's FTC investigating Apple over anti-competition allegations - 21:32
- Upcoming Cortana-powered 'GLAS' smart thermostat will feature Google Assistant and Alexa compatib... - 20:45
- Sony has sold three million PlayStation VR headsets since launch - 20:10
- Asus' upcoming ultra-thin Zephyrus S gaming laptop packs quite a punch - 19:35
- Arm wants a throw-down with Intel: surpassing Core i5 mobile performance by 2019 - 19:30
- Diablo III Eternal Collection heads to Nintendo Switch this year - 18:52
- Kroger is testing self-driving grocery delivery in Arizona - 18:00
- Twitter is rethinking core elements of its flawed platform - 17:29
- Android Pie gets a 'Go' this Autumn - 16:46
- Amazon is reportedly looking to buy a movie theater chain - 16:18
- Monster Hunter: World Review - 15:38
- Firefox extension praised by Mozilla accused of privacy violations - 14:59
- Motorola's P30 looks like an iPhone X with a hint of Huawei's P20 - 14:33
- Man embezzles $89,000 from employer, spends it on Game of War - 14:09
- What Are the Best CCleaner Alternatives? - 13:20
- Samsung joins the 5G race with its Exynos Modem 5100 chip - 12:35
- Alexa and Cortana are now BFFs: Amazon and Microsoft buddy-up on digital assistants - 01:08
- Investors encourage Uber to offload money-guzzling self-driving vehicle unit - 00:46

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Hanging, Sliding Raspi Camera Adds Dimension To Octoprint - 22:00
- Getting Kitted to Teach your First Hardware Workshop - 19:01

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Update pizzerie – Srpen 2018 - 19:50