Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 16.12.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- DIY Drones at 82,000 members - 22:12
- Procyon 800E Enters Limited Production - 20:00
- Drone Market Strategies – Partnerships and acquisitions of the dominant players - 18:18
- Measuring airspeed without an airspeed sensor - 01:01

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Pasta Kaby Lake opět stojí za starou Blažkovou, odstraněním zchladne CPU o 20 °C - 15:30
- Levná Nokia 150 od HMD se objeví příští rok - 13:00
- Kompletní prezentace AMD Ryzen - 10:30
- MacBook Pro už se po 4 hodinách nevybije, problém byl softwarový - 08:00
- Evropská komise pokutovala japonské výrobce baterií za kartelovou dohodu - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- MSI má svůj první herní monitor: Optix G27C - 21:08
- Roboti spolupracují pod mořskou hladinou - 19:59
- Další sonda NASA poletí k Marsu v roce 2022 - 17:52
- AMD uvádí Radeon Loom a ProRender pro profesionály - 17:12
- Engine Unity 5.6 beta nyní podporuje Vulkan - 16:40
- Microsoft má nového chatbota, o Hitlerovi už nechce slyšet - 13:20
- Bývalý zaměstnanec vybíral peníze pro žalování Cryteku - 12:52
- Používá Intel u Kaby Lake opět chabou teplovodivou pastu? - 12:25
- Paradoxal, aneb letoun s rychlostí přes 10.000 km/h - 11:43

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Your next best shot at scoring an NES Classic Edition comes on December 20 - 23:15
- Lenovo to launch Chrome OS-powered Yoga Book in 2017 - 22:02
- Verizon will wait after the holidays to kill the Note 7 - 21:15
- One in 10 Firefox users are running Windows XP - 20:30
- Watch Apple's attempt at getting people to buy its $300 book - 19:45
- You'll be able to try the Nintendo Switch ahead of March launch (if you're lucky) - 19:00
- BlackBerry licenses brand to Chinese phone maker TCL - 18:15
- Super Mario Run round-up: Nintendo has a winner on its hands - 18:10
- Pioneer the next wave of AI marvels with the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Bundle - 17:30
- Nintendo sold almost 200,000 NES Classic Edition consoles in the US since November's launch - 16:30
- LG to launch 32-inch 4K HDR10 monitor at CES 2017 - 15:30
- Apple will replace a single lost or broken AirPod for $69 - 14:30
- T-Mobile is offering AT&T customers a free year of DirecTV Now to switch - 13:30
- White House: Putin authorized election cyberattacks; US will respond with action - 12:15
- The State of PC Gaming in 2016 - 06:00
- Ubisoft is offering seven PC games for free - 01:00
- What the world searched Google for in 2016 - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Revealed: Homebrew Controller Working in Steam VR - 22:00
- Building The First Ternary Microprocessor - 20:32