Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 17.01.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Project Alias umlčí stále naslouchající chytrý reproduktor - 14:00
- GeForce 417.71 Driver podporuje AdaptiveSync a GeForce RTX 2060 - 12:00
- Jak si levně zařídit domácí fotografické studio? S touhle výbavou to půjde samo - 09:00
- Applu až 10× stouply žádosti o pozáruční výměnu baterie - 08:00
- Core i9-9990XE bude Intel prodávat jen v aukci a výrobcům sestav - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD tvrdí, že Radeonů VII má připraveno dost - 16:50
- Sapphire připravuje Radeon RX 570 se 16 GB paměti, proč? - 14:00
- Intel přestane nabízet Core+, sady CPU a Optane - 13:20
- Sluneční systém: pořádek, který vznikl z chaosu - 12:40
- Ceny pamětí RAM v tomto čtvrtletí výrazně klesnou, říká TrendForce - 10:40
- CERN chce postavit obří urychlovač FCC dlouhý 100 km - 09:55

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft may unveil the HoloLens 2 next month at MWC19 - 23:22
- Rumors suggest Nvidia could be working on an RTX-free GeForce GTX 1660 Ti - 22:56
- Mortal Kombat 11 pushes the brutality to new heights - 22:24
- Google to acquire $40 million worth of Fossil's smartwatch tech - 21:52
- Square launches Square Card, a free debit card for small business owners - 21:31
- Amazon shareholders ask the company to suspend sales of controversial facial recognition tech - 20:47
- Bethesda bans Fallout 76 players in possession of dev room items - 20:25
- Amazon is kicking off a new tech event this year, focusing on AI, science, and space - 19:40
- Google Pixel 3 Lite leaked in hands-on video review - 19:12
- Tesla's customer referral program is no longer financially feasible - 18:24
- Sea of Thieves install size being cut in half - 17:14
- Check out this mouse that's also a functioning computer - 16:20
- Microsoft gives $500 million to support housing development around Seattle - 15:23
- LG reportedly working on phone with optional second screen attachment - 14:52
- Leaked database exposes 87GB of emails and passwords - 13:57
- A Russian company wants to put giant billboards in low-earth orbit - 13:04
- Stop & Shop's pilot program brings the grocery store to your door - 12:16
- Huawei reportedly under investigation by US for stealing trade secrets - 11:25
- Almost half of all international airlines were affected by a ticket booking security vulnerability - 01:10

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Win Back Some Privacy With A Cone Of Silence For Your Smart Speaker - 22:00
- Hackaday Superconference: Estefannie’s Daft Punk Helmet - 20:31