Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 17.03.2020

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- V důsledku epidemie opět roste popularita Folding@Home, přidat se může každý - 12:00
- AMD vydává 7nm mobilní Ryzeny, +25 % IPC, více o energetické efektivitě - 08:00
- Parametry Xboxu odhaleny: 12TFLOPS GPU s osmijádrovým Zen 2 stačí 300W zdroj - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- 7 sociálních sítí a firem začalo společný boj proti lžím o COVID-19 - 18:41
- Biostar A10N-9630E: Mini ITX s nízkospotřebovým APU - 15:00
- Seagate využije Xbox Velocity Architecture a nabídne rychlé úložiště - 13:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Latest No Man's Sky patch introduces bobbleheads for your ship and more - 23:58
- Amazon temporarily limits Fulfilled by Amazon shipments to household staples and medical supplies - 23:25
- Streaming boom has Broadcom suing Netflix for infringing its video streaming patents - 22:40
- The Last Campfire from Hello Games is coming this summer - 22:06
- Multiple leaks indicate four new iPad Pro models are on the way - 21:33
- Tesla begins deliveries of the Model Y crossover - 20:44
- Facebook is giving employees $1,000 bonuses to deal with coronavirus fallout - 20:01
- Uber suspends shared rides, tweaks Uber Eats to serve local communities better - 19:19
- Doom Eternal lands this week, reviews are overly positive - 19:10
- AMC Theatres closing all US locations for up to 12 weeks, Regal, too - 18:37
- Nintendo Switch online services are currently down - 18:03
- Opinion: The value of contingencies and remote collaboration - 17:40
- Leaked benchmarks show the iPhone 12 could outperform every Android phone - 17:02
- Sony to share additional PlayStation 5 details in a livestream on Wednesday - 16:26
- CD Projekt Red says Cyberpunk 2077 still on track for September release as studio implements remo... - 15:06
- Samsung eUFS 3.1 storage chip offers threefold increase in write speeds, enters mass production - 13:21
- Universal movies will be available to stream the same day they hit cinemas - 12:47
- Amazon aims to hire 100,000 employees to keep up with demand - 12:03
- TikTok star licks plane toilet seat for "coronavirus challenge" - 11:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS