Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 17.04.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- A little bit about me. - 22:30
- Madison - BoxCopter weekly #1 - 20:24
- SteadiDrone QU4D Fighting Walrus Modifications - 20:00
- Alternative IDE project for compiling+uploading code - 19:30
- Small in size, big on power: new microbatteries the most powerful yet - 15:00
- Telemetry/Video over 4G/LTE Cellular link for Beyond-LOS Flight - 05:42
- Inside My Brookstone 2.0 Rover (APM Project) - 03:00
- A simple solution for an old hazzard (prop start on setup) - 00:58 - Mvorisek RSS
- Do Windows se možná vrátí tlačítko Start - 11:10
- Tři pohledy na Microsoft Surface Pro. Skvělý tablet se spoustou „ale“ - 00:00
- Na dně Galilejského jezera stojí podivný pozůstatek dávných dob - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Asus Xonar U7: hráčská USB zvukovka a sluchátkový zesilovač s 114 dB odstupem signál/šum - 00:00
- OCZ prý postaví SSD Vertex 5 na řadiči Indilinx Barefoot 3 - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- BioShock Infinite – kompromis mezi FPS a uměním - 16:00
- Nová GX Gaming Gila – luxusní herní myš pro náročné - 06:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Philips uvádí 27" monitor PLS s rozlišením Quad HD - 15:30
- Scythe uvádí další novinku pro chlazení CPU - Ashura - 11:00
- Galaxy S4 přijde na český trh příští sobotu - 10:30
- Čipové sady pro Broadwell by měly nabídnout také SATA Express - 10:00
- Sapphire odhalil Radeon HD 7790 2GB OC - 10:00
- NVIDIA nabízí k vybraným kartám hru Metro - 09:00
- Mio uvádí nové navigace pro cyklisty - 08:00
- Článek: Doporučené PC skříně - duben 2013 - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- A fourth of all PCs are unprotected from virus and malware threats - 23:30
- Galaxy S4 preorders open, carrier availability and pricing revealed - 22:30
- Amazon patent outlines an anonymous mobile payment system - 21:30
- Netflix planning switch from Silverlight to HTML5 - 20:30
- Samsung admits to posting fake user reviews on the web - 19:30
- Toshiba's new Kirabook touts 13.3" 2560x1440 screen, premium design - 18:30
- Google Drive, Gmail and Docs hit by service disruptions - 17:30
- Microsoft signs Android, Chrome OS patent deal with Foxconn - 16:30
- Stardock: PC gaming is about to break free of 'poisonous' decade-old standards - 15:30
- Google bolsters mobile search with quick links and quick view - 14:30
- The History of the Modern Graphics Processor, Part 4: The Coming of General Purpose GPUs - 05:05
- Motorola's next phones will be sized "just right" and forgo bloatware - 01:30
- Extend your Office 365 free trial up to 180 days with this trick - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Upgrade a toy keyboard’s tone production - 23:01
- 3D Printing sensor mounts for the Oculus Rift - 21:42
- Apple MagSafe cord repair - 21:01
- Hackerspace security system brings RFID, video feedback, and automatic doors - 15:01

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- First MOST150 INIC Supporting USB 2.0 High-Speed Device Interface and Coaxial Physical Layer - 09:00