Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 17.04.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Six of the Best and Most Unexpected Uses for a Drone - 22:44
- My XJ470 rebuilt - 22:40
- Overview of the 2017 SUSB Expo May 4-6 - 16:30
- SmartAP Power Distribution Board - 12:23

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Qualcomm udělil ceny za vynález zdravotního trikordéru - 17:28
- Tesla brzy rozšíří nabídku, jaké budou její tahače? - 16:52
- Star Wars Battlefront II: tentokrát za temnou stranu - 15:42
- Microsoft opravdu odřízl moderní procesory od aktualizací Windows 7 a 8.1 - 15:15

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Internet Archive's library of Mac software from the 1980s - 23:30
- Instagram adds the ability to organize posts into private collections - 22:30
- Walls in VR can now be simulated using electro-stimulation - 21:30
- Google reaches settlement with Russia in Android antitrust case - 20:45
- A smaller, handheld-only version of the Nintendo Switch predicted for 2018-2019 - 20:00
- Origin's new EON15-S gaming laptops won't break the bank - 19:00
- Steve Wozniak: Apple, Google, and Facebook will be much bigger in 2075 than today - 18:00
- Pursue a higher IT salary with these Citrix courses - 17:30
- Star Wars: Battlefront II full length trailer, release date revealed; may have new type of season... - 16:30
- The time I had to crack my own Reddit password - 15:35
- The Shadow Brokers release exploits for global banking systems and Windows - 14:30
- Authorities continue search for murderer who uploaded video of killing to Facebook - 13:15
- 5 Days of Awesome Wallpapers: Geometric Wallpapers - 07:35

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Prisoners Build DIY Computers and Hack Prison Network - 22:01
- Hackaday Prize Entry: Another Internet Button - 20:30

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS