Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 17.05.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Prologue video job for Bolivian Pantanal! - 23:00
- 130mm quad with simple C++ firmware, Part I: The Build - 04:46
- Tower v3.2.1 Release - 01:34 - Mvorisek RSS
- Skupina ČEZ vydělala v prvním čtvrtletí 10 miliard korun - 06:59
- Inteligentní elektroinstalace - 08:46

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- GeForce GTX 1080: Výkon 28 % nad GTX 980 Ti a trochu lepší asynchronní shadery - 16:29
- Raspbian 2016-05-10 opravuje funkčnost Bluetooth a přidává další novinky - 14:00
- Nintendo NX prý bude pohánět Nvidia Tegra - 12:00
- Bývalý šéf Sunu Jonathan Schwartz podpořil Google v Java sporu s Oracle - 10:00
- Zveřejněné specifikace Polaris se netýkají Polaris a údajná konference také ne - 08:00
- Legenda formátu Doom se vrátit nemůže - 00:00
- Poptávka po virtuálních serverech stoupá - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- GeForce GTX 1080: konečně recenze - 18:10
- Doom je venku, následovat bude Quake? - 15:22
- Malá modrá galaxie může odhalit více o velkém třesku - 14:17
- EU prý připravuje pro Google pokutu 3 miliard eur - 12:48
- Intel Core i7-6950X: 10 jader otestováno - 12:22
- Google začne v Chrome ještě letos blokovat Flash - 11:29

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- HP now accepting pre-orders for game-changing Jet Fusion 3D printer - 23:45
- Learn hands-on programming with the Raspberry Pi 3 - 23:15
- IBM Research achieves storage memory breakthrough that could lead to faster smartphones - 22:30
- Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter sued by French anti-racist groups for failing to remove hate speech - 21:45
- Mozilla's Firefox narrowly edges out Microsoft in global desktop browser share for the first time - 20:45
- Abandoned Xbox Gamertags will soon be made available once again - 20:00
- Nightmare Russian facial recognition app is one step closer to the end of privacy - 19:00
- SoundHound music discovery app adds powerful voice control features - 18:15
- Our favorite affordable phone, the Moto G, gets three new models - 17:30
- The UK is following Iowa and Delaware in testing digital driving licenses - 16:45
- Bug fixes aplenty in Apple's latest iOS, OS X, watchOS and tvOS updates - 16:00
- Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Review: The Mad King of GPUs - 15:00
- HP EliteBook 1030 offers Core M processor, 16GB of RAM and 512GB SSD with 13 hours of battery life - 14:15
- Garmin adds GPS technology to an activity tracker with the Vivosmart HR+ - 13:15
- AMD Radeon Software fixes R9 390 series performance in Doom - 03:15
- Twitter to stop counting photos and links in 140-character limit - 02:30
- Here's how to get Battlefield 4's Last Stand DLC for free - 01:45
- This botnet has infected nearly a million devices since 2014 - 01:00
- Windows 10 Anniversary Update will double the number of Start Menu ads - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Smartphone-based Robotic Rover Project goes Open Source - 22:00
- Minimal MQTT: Networked Nodes - 19:01