Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 17.06.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Getting ready for Arducopter 3.0 - 20:20
- Successfully Flew A Three 3k Waypoint Flight - 20:13
- Replacing Naza with Ardupilot - Weekly Video #10 - 20:03
- Flymanta Avatar on a Football Ground. - 13:03
- Droning for Rhinos - 10:00
- PhotoHigher H4 Quad - 05:00
- StabilGo Camera Gimbal - 03:00
- Time lapse: building a drone flying arena at TED Global - 01:12
- 3DR Quad - Speed and Lift Test - 00:09 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Na Pelhřimovsku se tyčí čtvrtkilometrový stožár, bude sloužit vědcům - 18:05
- Může běžný laser propálit zeď? Věda v Big Bang Theory - 14:54
- Google začíná s vypouštěním balonů, které mají přinést internet všude - 10:58
- Zajímavé weby: Půjčte si auto „od strejdy“ a prozkoumejte statistiky - 00:00
- Hned po startu usnula a pak si málem urazila hlavu. První žena v kosmu - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: GeForce Experience prakticky - 02:00
- Super Talent připravil USB 3.0 RAM Disk Series - 17:45
- TP-Link nabídne nový 48portový Gb přepínač - 10:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Games get traded in because they are too short, Avalanche boss says - 23:45
- Price of games unlikely to increase with next generation consoles - 23:00
- Whistleblower Edward Snowden answers questions in live Q&A session - 22:30
- Digg's Google Reader clone launching in beta on June 26 - 22:00
- Noise cancellation technique harnesses magnets to silence CPU fans - 21:00
- Logitech gamepad for iOS 7 devices leak, likely the first of many to come - 20:00
- Facebook may be set to launch Instagram video sharing service - 19:00
- Samsung starts mass producing super fast PCIe SSDs for ultrabooks - 18:15
- Intel Haswell-E enthusiast chip to carry eight cores and support DDR4 - 17:30
- Google plans to provide worldwide internet coverage, via a network of floating balloons - 16:30
- Google develops new software to combat child pornography images - 15:15
- In Win D-Frame Case Review - 07:12

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Causing trouble at RedBull Creation 2013 - 23:04
- Modifying a CRT television for use as an arcade monitor - 23:01
- Raspberry Pi replaces a Volvo nav system - 21:01
- Adding WiFi to a kid’s tablet - 17:00
- Letting Bluetooth take the wires out of your headphones - 15:01

Maxim Integrated Products - Mvorisek RSS
- 2013-06-17: DeepCover Secure Authenticator from Maxim Integrated Protects Designs with Strong Pub... - 02:00