Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 17.07.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- And now you know...the rest of the story... - 23:45
- Ahhhh, 'Merica - 23:00
- The Domicopter - 21:14
- Game of Drones (WSJ interview) - 19:28
- Arducopter Non-Simulated Motor Failure Test! - 05:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- U Casablanky zabíjela nepozornost a nekázeň. Letadlo ČSA příliš kleslo - 00:10
- Rusko ukáže nový tank s věží bez posádky. Zatím jen politikům - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Skyrim, Civilization 5 či Starcraft 2 na Linuxu? Proč ne, je tu D3D9 podpora pro knihovnu Gallium3D - 12:40
- Nejrychlejší SD má Toshiba, zvládne čtvrt GB/s - 11:29
- 15 novinek, které přinese VLC 2.1.0 - 10:12

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Corsair Obsidian 350D: elegantně s Micro ATX - 02:00
- Gigabyte představuje levnou desku pro socket FM2 - 11:30
- Micron odhalil 16nm paměti NAND Flash - 11:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Russia dumps the iPhone, plays favorites with Samsung - 23:30
- Yahoo purchases mobile advertising startup Admovate - 23:00
- Tumblr issues emergency security patch for iOS app - 22:30
- One month in, first 8-inch Windows 8 tablet already set for a refresh - 21:30
- HP quietly launches Split x2, 13-inch Windows 8 convertible - 20:30
- Made ya look! Google Glass was hackable with a simple QR code - 19:30
- Google Maps update for iOS adds iPad support, new features - 18:30
- WhatsApp for iOS moves to subscription model - 18:00
- Apple grabs 56% of dedicated streaming devices market - 17:32
- Google wants to deliver live television content over the Internet - 15:30
- "OK Glass" might be the official catchphrase, but alternatives were "Go Go Glass" and "Pew pew pew" - 14:00
- Leaked specs, pics of Sony's upcoming Xperia i1 smartphone surface - 01:30
- Toshiba unveils world's fastest SD cards for pro photographers - 00:30
- Facebook loses key talent as Gowalla co-founder, Instagram designer say goodbye - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Make your own electronic children’s toys - 23:01
- Robot theater isn’t so much for the actors as the stagehands - 21:01
- Water heater controller automates garage doors - 15:01
- Atlas humanoid robot standing on his own - 01:01

Fairchild Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Fairchild Semiconductor's Next Generation TinyBuck™ Point of Load Regulators Deliver up to 15A Ou... - 15:00

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- 23 A ecoSWITCH™ Integrated Load Switch - 08:22
- GFCI Controllers - 08:21
- ESD Protection for FlexRay Transceiver - 08:16
- SPI Micro-Stepping Motor Driver for Bipolar Stepper Motors - 08:15
- Automotive Start-Stop Boost Controller - 08:13
- LIN/CAN System Basis Chip - 06:08
- 200mA Very Low Noise, Low Dropout Linear Voltage Regulator - 06:06
- 500 mA, Ultra-Low Iq, Ultra-Low Noise LDO Voltage Regulator - 06:04
- Dual Bilateral Analog Switch / Digital Multiplexer - 05:58
- Secondary Side Constant Voltage / Constant Current (CV/CC) Controller - 05:56