Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 17.07.2014

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- How NASA is Building a Highway in the Sky - 22:30
- Congressman who oversees FAA being investigated by FAA for wedding drone photography - 15:59
- Birth of a drone - 14:29
- Join Matternet! Let's change the world. - 04:30
- From survey to visualization - 03:25
- Even photos could save lives - 02:00
- How-To avoid sparks when connecting battery - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Co mohlo sestřelit civilní malajsijský boeing nad Ukrajinou - 19:27
- Microsoft už Windows zdarma neomezuje jen na malá zařízení - 17:17
- Poslední mizivá šance: z Měsíce měli lidé prchat na létajícím křesle - 00:10
- Test originálu i kopie. Chytré tlačítko Pressy a Xiaomi MiKey - 00:00
- Na čtyřech budoucnosti vstříc. Mariňáci vyzkoušeli kráčejícího robota - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Odemčený čtyřjádrový Broadwell K přijde až za rok - 16:10
- IBM navázala spolupráci s Applem, nabídne iPady a iPhony pro podniky - 14:30
- APU Carrizo: UVD 6, VCE 3.1, TrueAudio 2, HDMI 2.0 a TDP od 12 wattů - 12:50
- Čip GPU PowerVR GX5300 pro nositelnou elektroniku zabírá jen 0,55 mm2 - 11:10
- NEC uvedl profesionální 24palcový IPS monitor s rozlišením 3840×2160 - 09:30
- Smartphony s Firefox OS budou v Indii pod 1 tisíc Kč - 07:50
- Proč si nepřeji, aby desktopu vládl Linux - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Leaked slide claims next-gen SandForce controller will be 3-4x faster than nearest competitor - 23:00
- Xbox One sales have doubled since Microsoft unbundled Kinect - 22:00
- Google updates Chrome with Incognito enhancements and mobile optimization - 21:00
- T-Mobile extends equipment installment plan to include smartphone, tablet accessories - 20:00
- Apple to pay $450 million to settle e-book antitrust suit - 19:00
- Microsoft to shed 18,000 jobs in order to become more agile and move faster - 18:15
- Julian Assange sex case: Swedish court upholds arrest warrant - 17:30
- Senate unanimously passes bill to legalize cellphone unlocking - 16:30
- Watch this video of Star Wars recreated in Minecraft - 15:30
- Trend Micro finds nearly 900,000 fake Android apps - 14:15
- Silverstone RV05 ATX Case Review: Stacked Design is Great for Cooling, Comes With Some Trade-Offs - 06:00
- The FBI is concerned that self-driving cars could be used as "lethal weapons" - 01:45
- Google search now supports Bitcoin currency conversions - 00:45

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- A Lithium Ion Supercapacitor Battery - 22:00
- Building The Slimmest Raspi - 19:00

Fairchild Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- PSPL5840B 13.5 GHz Ultra-Broadband Amplifier Datasheet - 16:30
- PSPL5867 15 GHz Linear Amplifier Datasheet - 16:30
- PSPL5866 10 GHz Linear Amplifier Datasheet - 16:30
- PSPL5865 12.5 Gb/s Driver Amplifier Datasheet - 16:30
- PSPL8001 12.5 Gb/s Driver Amplifier LABware Module Datasheet - 16:30
- PSPL5868 10.7 Gb/s Driver Amplifier Datasheet - 16:30