Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 17.11.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Vertigo V.2 - affordable drone zoom gimbal - 15:00
- Skywalker WALL-E2000 2030mm Twin Motor FPV Plane - 10:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- NVIDIA nabídne zdarma Watch Dogs 2, AMD zase Civilizaci 6 - 17:25
- NASA a ESA si chtějí vyzkoušet odklonění asteroidu - 17:06
- AMD Zen dostaly označení SR7, SR5 a SR3 a cenu od 200 USD - 15:10
- Intel vyslal do vzduchu 500 dronů a plánuje další show - 13:12
- Trh s grafikami prudce roste a těží z toho hlavně NVIDIA - 12:35
- Některé hry fungují lépe na staré PS4 než na nové výkonné - 12:02

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft's Surface Studio first reviews are out: expensive but beautiful - 23:51
- Russia blocks LinkedIn for violating local data storage laws - 23:00
- Hacker Samy Kamkar demonstrates how to break into a password-locked computer using a $5 Raspberry Pi - 22:15
- Make Chrome great again: Performance and memory tweaks - 21:46
- UK's Snooper's Charter approved by parliament, set to become law in next few weeks - 21:15
- AOL is laying off five percent of its global workforce, or close to 500 employees - 20:00
- Qualcomm announces the Snapdragon 835 with Quick Charge 4.0 - 19:00
- Here's how to watch The Grand Tour a day early (and get a Prime membership for $79) - 18:07
- New graphics card game bundles pack Civilization VI, Watch Dogs 2 - 17:15
- The Game Awards 2016: Nominations and the No Man's Sky effect are revealed - 16:30
- Brain-altering Halo Sport headphones now available to consumers for the first time - 15:30
- US inventor's folding paper bike helmet wins James Dyson award - 14:30
- EA: we develop games for high-end PCs, then port them to consoles - 13:30
- Twitter introduces QR codes in an attempt to attract new users - 12:15
- Google announces Google Earth VR for the HTC Vive - 00:45
- Microsoft joins the Linux Foundation, launches test build of Visual Studio for Mac - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS