Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 17.12.2012

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Drones used in 60 Minutes episode! - 22:30
- Optimizing Wing Aerofoil for UAV long range flight - 20:30
- Brazil Motorcycle Meeting 2012 with an APM Hexa used in the flying shots! - 14:20
- A dock specifically designed for GoPro used on HeX or any other drone - 09:00
- Spectrum DX8 2 Switches 1 TX channel 6 Flight Modes - 04:30
- GoPro Hero 3 Cameras for Planes and Copters, Mounts, Setups, Experiences and the Good and the Bad. - 04:15
- Flying in the Rain... - 03:37
- Flying With New GoPro 3 & Wifi Turned On..... - 03:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- První plně regulovaný 6 W DC/DC měnič v pouzdrech SIP 8 - 00:00
- CeBIT: více prostoru pro scénu Open Source - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Logický analyzátor OMEGA - 09:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Vznik Havlova Srdce pro Brusel byl vidět i z letadel. Podívejte se - 08:53
- Vánoční inspirace na webu: recepty, koledy, přáníčka i zimní koktejly - 00:00
- Lepší přehrávač a sluchátka nekoupíte. Dokonalost do kapsy za 32 tisíc - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- 48FPS Hobbit prý působí nevolnost - je zpět syndrom Half Life 2? - 00:00
- Rakouské ochranné svazy chtějí výpalné za data v cloudu - 00:00
- $199 tablety se na $149 dostanou, ale za cenu méně kvalitních komponent - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- D-Link nabídne venkovní dohledové kamery DCS-7413 a 7513 - 16:00
- Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga již dostupný na českém trhu - 16:00
- Transcend uvádí pozlacené flash disky JetFlash 520G - 15:00
- Expertiáda s Cooler Master - vyhodnocení - 11:45
- Nahnutý Xigmatek Talon již k předobjednání - 10:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Google may avoid FTC ruling by issuing voluntary changes - 23:30
- Amazon's sub-$200 smartphone now rumored for mid-2013, Foxconn scores contract - 22:30
- Google apologizes for Nexus 4 delays, blames LG for erratic and scarce supply - 21:30
- Mozilla infographic highlights multiple achievements in 2012 - 20:30
- Cisco Systems hire Barclays to help sell router brand Linksys - 19:30
- Raspberry Pi launches Pi Store, free and paid apps available - 18:30
- Apple sells 2 million iPhone 5s in China during opening weekend - 17:30
- AVG and Yahoo enter into agreement to protect you from malware - 16:30
- Samsung acquires SSD caching software developer Nvelo - 15:30
- Comcast CEO believes his company can learn a lot from Apple - 14:30
- Netflix, EA and RIM leave Nasdaq 100 to make way for Facebook, others - 13:00
- Netflix, EA and RIM leave to Nasdaq 100 to make way for Facebook, others - 13:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- More details about laser cut gingerbread houses - 23:01
- Silent HTPC build is an art piece for the livingroom - 22:01
- Update: Touch Tunes Jukebox universal remote - 21:01
- Repair your ice maker motor without buying a whole new assembly - 20:01
- Tea-bagging an Arduino - 18:03
- Automated PCB panelization - 16:00
- Custom desk is a custom computer case - 15:00
- Using arcade monitors with the Raspberry Pi - 14:00
- Electronically controlled NFC tag - 13:00
- ATTannenbaum - 12:00