Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 17.12.2015

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- AMA: Hold off on registering model aircraft - 23:30
- Post Flight Log File Web Application - 22:53
- Ottawa Drones Dynamometer Presentation - 22:30
- Seagull #REC - New Sony MULTI camera controller ! - 22:24
- Instructions for Using the Event 38 Reverse Throttle Feature on ArduPlane - 20:01
- Fliip32 IMU over Bluetooth - 19:27
- New ArduPilot plugin for Gazebo - 18:41
- A revolution is coming... in the area of thermal imaging systems - 17:26
- California drafts road rules for autonomous cars, upsets Google - 16:00
- New UAV App for iOS devices - 02:32 - Mvorisek RSS
- Hacknout Linux dokáže každý, stačí 28× stisknout klávesu. Stáhněte opravu - 20:15
- Podle NASA byl listopad s náskokem rekordně teplý. Podle jiných ne - 14:34
- Chytrá domácnost: nadšenci se neudrží, vy si počkejte na příští rok - 00:14
- Co bychom chtěli pod stromeček my, skromní redaktoři - 00:02
- OBRAZEM: Dakota změnila leteckou dopravu a pomohla vyhrát válku - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- KDE Plasma 5 ve FreeBSD? Až bude stabilní a použitelné! - 16:00
- Dostane Playstation 4 externí grafickou kartu pro virtuální realitu? - 14:00
- Firefox 43 pro 64bit Windows a s lepší ochranou proti sledování - 12:00
- Desky ASRock Z170 umí přetaktovat zamčené CPU Skylake pomocí FSB - 10:00
- NXP Semiconductors koupila za 12 miliard dolarů firmu Freescale Semiconductor - 08:00
- Roddy McDowall: jeden z prvních „filmových pirátů“ hrál v Hollywoodských hitech - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Magic Leap získal "za video" dalších 827 miliónů dolarů - 21:32
- TSMC začalo s vývojem 5nm procesu - 14:30
- VR na PlayStation 4 asi využije externí GPU - 12:09
- LG odhalil své nové monitory: 21:9 a UHD vede - 11:26
- VR šlapadlo Virtuix Omni je hotové, přijde na 700 USD bez bot - 11:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- 'Super Mario Maker' update adds new elements, makes searching for levels much easier - 23:30
- Google "gravely disappointed" with California DMV's proposed self-driving car law - 22:30
- Microsoft adds more backward compatible Xbox 360 games, bringing the total to 120 - 21:30
- US Postal Service is the latest company to crack down on hoverboard shipments - 20:45
- Apple names first chief operating officer since Tim Cook - 20:00
- Tech Deals: Moto X Pure Edition 32GB unlocked for $350 - 19:30
- Renowned hacker George Hotz built this autonomous driving system using readily-available components - 18:45
- Google's Nexus 5X and 6P both go on sale for the holidays - 18:00
- Microsoft opens HoloLens Experience Showcase at its flagship New York City store - 17:15
- Brazilian court blocks WhatsApp for 48 hours (now lifted), 1.5 million users move to Telegram - 16:30
- The state of PC gaming in 2015: The future looks promising - 15:30
- Facebook's partnership with Uber means you can now hail a ride from within Messenger - 14:30
- Microsoft delivers first 'Redstone' preview build to Windows 10 Insiders - 13:30
- Pandora will soon have to pay out more in royalties - 12:15
- Google Nexus 6P Review: An instant favorite - 06:00
- MSI launches CPU Guard bracket to stop Skylake CPUs from bending - 02:00
- Avast investigation into shopping apps reveals another Target security blunder - 00:45

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- The Most Brilliant Use of Crowdfunding Yet: Medical Research - 22:01
- An Omnibus In Every Stocking - 21:30

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- 16-bit General Purpose Microcontroller with 768K-byte Flash ROM, 47.5K-byte RAM - 11:22
- Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) / Auto Focus (AF) Controller & Driver - 11:21
- KNX Bit Transceivers for Twisted Pair Networks - 11:19
- Low Power & High-Resolution Audio Processing System - 11:18
- CMOS Image Sensors - 11:17
- Operational Amplifier, High Slew Rate, Low Voltage, Rail-to-Rail Output - 11:16
- LVCMOS/LVTTL Low Skew Over Voltage Tolerant Fanout Buffer - 11:14
- Power Management IC (PMIC) for Hearing Aids - 11:11