Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 17.12.2019

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Virtuální realita jako budoucnost online hazardu - 15:00
- Benchmark architektury Intel Willow Cove ukazuje nejvyšší známé IPC x86 světa - 12:00
- Jakou vybrat grafickou kartu pro RayTracing tituly? Jednoduchý průvodce nabídkou - 09:30
- Novinky Huawei se již obejdou bez amerického hardwaru, na ban doplatí i Apple - 08:00
- 10nm Ice Lake pro servery opět odložen - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Masky obličejů matou letištní bezpečnostní systémy, zjistily testy - 17:41
- EVGA SR-3 DARK: majestátní deska pro LGA 3647 už posloužila pro rekordy - 14:00
- IceGiant ProSyphon Elite: nový design pro chlazení CPU - 13:20
- Příští hra ze světa Star Wars bude dle slibu EA unikátní - 12:30
- Samsung investuje 8 miliard dolarů do čínské továrny na NAND Flash - 11:30
- AMD uvádí FEMFX, CPU knihovnu pro "deformovatelnou fyziku" - 10:50
- Intel ukořistil AI firmu Habana Labs za 2 miliardy dolarů - 10:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Skyryse envisions a subway system in the sky - 23:17
- Stadia adds three more games to its library this week - 22:55
- Google Pixel 3a is $120 off at just $279, latest iPad for $249, Surface Pro 6 with Type Cover for... - 22:33
- WhatsApp bug allows complete control of group chats, crashing the app - 21:52
- Gran Turismo Sport's free December 2019 update adds new cars and more - 21:14
- Learn why 10G is the future of broadband technology - 20:50
- Turns out, Microsoft's next-gen console will just be called 'Xbox' - 20:24
- The Best Tablets: An Ever Evolving and Affordable Form of Computing - 20:08
- Blade Runner is available via digital distribution for the first time - 19:27
- Apple removes app that turned your iPhone into a classic iPod - 18:55
- Cisco builds custom silicon to power the "Internet for the Future" - 17:52
- Sony's DualShock 4 attachment adds extra buttons to the classic controller - 17:35
- The successor to Sony's WH-1000XM3 headphones could arrive soon - 14:55
- Check out the biggest apps and games of the decade - 13:51
- Russia's 3rd-largest internet company is suing Twitch for $3 billion, wants it banned in the country - 12:15
- New Android phones in Turkey will lack Google apps - 11:20
- Amazon is reportedly blocking third-party sellers from using FedEx - 02:04
- Intel acquires Israel-based Habana Labs for $2B to "turbo-charge" AI efforts - 01:23

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Tidy Board Rework Uses Flex PCBs, No Wires - 22:00
- A Nixie Radio Clock Fit For a Victorian Mad Scientist - 20:31