Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 18.01.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Flight Envelope Protection System with Pixhawk and Odroid - 21:00
- Autonomously fly to a location and deliver a package (Ardupilot Copter 3.5) - 19:18
- Evolution of our prototypes. PART 3 - 18:30
- 5 Years of an enthusiastic project in an instant, Defiance Pro - built for FPV :) - 17:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Implementace Průmyslu 4.0 ve firmách - 07:21
- Senzory plynů a moduly FIS - 09:11

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Ukázal Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 Ti? - 15:30
- Geometrie a teselace - co nového umí Vega - 13:00
- Seagate zavírá jednu z velkých továren na pevné disky - 10:30
- Německo nasazuje předvolební „cenzuru“ Facebooku, dojde i na média - 08:00
- Zemřel Eugene Cernan, poslední muž na Měsíci - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Gigabyte a jeho novinky nejen značky Aorus - 18:00
- Seagate zavírá jednu ze svých největších továren na HDD - 15:43
- Valve pracuje na nových hrách, Half-Life 3 nebyl vyloučen - 12:45
- 450mm wafery jsou v nedohlednu, společenství G450C se hroutí - 12:20
- Rusové se vrací na Venuši, NASA pomůže - 11:25
- Atari chystá návrat do světa herního hardware - 10:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Online video streaming directly impacts DVD sales, research shows - 23:51
- 'Zelda: Breath of the Wild' is capped at 900p / 30 fps on the Switch - 21:38
- Use Gmail Offline and Enable Email Scheduling & Snoozing - 20:30
- Apple sued for not implementing iPhone lock-out feature to discourage texting and driving - 19:38
- FTC files suit against Qualcomm over allegations of anti-competitive practices - 18:15
- Japan agrees to standardize the function symbols of its toilets to help confused tourists - 17:00
- Become a high-paid Oracle database admin with these seven courses - 16:30
- Microsoft warns business users to upgrade from "long-outdated" Windows 7 - 15:45
- Android Wear 2.0 and Google's smartwatch to launch February 9th - 15:15
- Gabe Newell talks about new games, Valve's upcoming movies, and Half-Life 3 in Reddit AMA - 14:30
- AT&T frees up additional spectrum by terminating 2G network - 13:30
- The most common passwords of 2016 have been revealed, and they're terrible - 12:15
- Verizon may be interested in purchasing Comcast or Charter - 06:20
- Mario visits Liberty City in this hilarious Odyssey-inspired mash-up - 00:32

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- A No-Solder, Scrap-Bin Geiger Counter for $15 - 22:00
- Documentation by Markup - 19:01