Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 18.02.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Windows 10 s patchem KB4524244 zamrzají, Microsoft zastavil distribuci - 12:00
- #4 Nejočekávanější hry pro únor 2020: Postrach diablovek či staronový Wasteland - 09:00
- Na černou obrazovku s Radeony RX 5000, může pomoci vypnutí detekce PCIe [anketa] - 08:00
- Nvidia chystá limitovanou edici Cyberpunk GeForce RTX 2080 Ti - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Herní GDC se neruší a grafická GTC zatím také ne, těšit se můžeme na březen - 15:40
- Hamás napadal telefony izraelských vojáků malwarem, lákal je na ženy - 14:16
- Po Kingdom Come bude zdarma Assassin's Creed: Syndicate - 14:00
- TrendForce očekává problémy s dodávkami notebooků, monitorů dalšího hardwaru - 12:30
- Jensen Huang: nejpopulárnější herní konzole budou notebooky s GeForce - 11:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Baldur's Gate 3's first official gameplay video will drop on February 27 - 22:16
- Patreon is now issuing microloans to select content creators - 21:29
- EVGA's GeForce RTX 2060 KO is available for $300 on Amazon - 20:43
- Tumblr engineer describes Apple's iOS 13 as "adware" - 20:10
- How the coronavirus is impacting the global tech industry - 19:15
- Opinion: Apple coronavirus warnings highlight complexities of tech supply chains - 18:53
- Qualcomm's third-gen Snapdragon X60 5G modem is fast and flexible - 18:19
- Report: Coronavirus won't delay March's iPhone SE 2/iPhone 9 launch - 17:46
- Amazon founder launches $10 billion Bezos Earth Fund to fight climate change - 17:15
- The Epic Games Store is giving away Assassin's Creed: Syndicate this week - 15:54
- Former Amazon executive says he switches off Alexa for "private moments" - 14:15
- A Motorola Razr is reportedly "peeling apart" - 13:37
- Apple warns of worldwide iPhone shortages due to coronavirus disruption - 13:01
- Intel Core i3-9100F vs. Ryzen 5 1600 AF: Battle of the Budget CPUs - 12:01
- Windows 10 Your Phone app to support RCS messaging from your computer - 11:20
- EU wants Big Tech to deploy AI tech on its own terms - 01:32