Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 18.04.2014

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- How we do autopilot vibration-testing at 3DR labs - 23:00
- Lipo teardown - 22:51
- Drones in Archaeology: UAV Reveals Ancient, Invisible History - 21:16
- Mikrokopter BL-Ctrl i2c ESC support now in ArduCopter with Pixhawk/PX4 - 21:00
- Drone TV at National Association Of Broadcasters Show In Las Vegas - 21:00
- First APM controlled aerial photography flight - 20:00
- Prop testing on a 'copter - 18:43
- New Taranis 6 Position Switch - 15:00
- The Coanda Effect and a cool UAV using it. - 13:22
- Tech-savvy criminals now using heat-seeking drones to target cannabis farms - 12:14 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Programy zdarma: grafický editor, datové úložiště nebo skryté odkazy - 00:00
- Hodinky Apple iWatch budou až šestkrát dražší než konkurence - 00:00
- NASA požádala veřejnost o výběr designu skafandru. Podívejte se - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Kubuntu 14.04 s nejčerstvějším KDE 4.13 - 16:25
- GlobalFoundries a Samsung nabídnou 14nm FinFET společně, pravidla jsou hotová - 14:45
- Atom SoFIA navržený Infineonem a vyráběný TSMC vydá Intel na podzim - 13:00
- Vyšel Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS - 11:15
- Apek Maxpad zkřížil televizi, tablet a x86 AiO PC s dotykovou obrazovkou - 09:30
- Eye-Fi představila vlastní cloud, za 49 dolarů ročně neomezená kapacita - 07:50
- Test: Sapphire Tri-X R9 290 4GB GDDR5 OC, druhá nejvyšší grafika v tiché verzi - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: CM Storm Alcor a Mizar: dva myší bratři - 02:00
- Finanční výsledky AMD předčily očekávání - 14:46
- Asus ROG Striker GTX 760 Platinum: slušně přetaktovaná karta - 11:55
- Microsoft uvádí bezdrátovou klávesnici pro multimédia - 10:40
- Zalman a Wi-Fi box pro externí disk s funkcí nabíječky - 10:06

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Facebook releases first major update for Paper news reader app - 23:15
- Google reportedly working on a mid-range Nexus phone that'd sell for under $100 - 22:45
- Weekend game deals: Thief $17, Typing of the Dead $7, Borderlands 2 GotY $10, Saints Row IV $14 - 22:15
- Aereo launches new site to lay out its arguments ahead of US Supreme Court appearance - 21:45
- Samsung preparing to charge for Milk Music after launching as a free service - 21:00
- Dropbox gobbles up Y Combinator startups Loom and Hackpad - 20:15
- HTC hires ex-Samsung marketing executive responsible for Galaxy brand - 19:15
- Xbox One console shipments top 5 million since launch - 18:30
- Watch how technology allows an amputee to dance again - 17:30
- Toshiba launches "world's fastest" microSD cards - 16:30
- Voice commands in first-person shooters: new gaming experiences with Intel RealSense - 15:30
- Google Glass now has a home try-on program - 14:30
- Amazon to expand Fire TV's voice search later this summer - 01:45
- 'Hitman Go' reimagines popular franchise into an iPad board game - 01:00
- Facebook introduces location-broadcasting feature 'Nearby Friends' - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Low-Power Orientation Tracker and an Optimized Math Library for the MSP430 - 22:00
- DIY Gas Can Speakers Blast Your Tunes - 19:00

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- RSA5BUP (Options 56 and 59) - 16:30
- RSA5BUP (Options B85, B85E, B16X, B16XE) - 16:30
- RSA5100B Series - 16:30
- RSA5100B Series - 16:30
- RSA5BUP (Options PFR, 50, PFR50) - 16:30
- RSA5100B Series - 16:30
- SPECMONB Series - 16:30
- RSA5100B Series - 16:30
- RSA5100B Series - 16:30
- RSA5100B Series - 16:30