Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 18.05.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- 3DR Solo Host Connector - 20:00
- Rockefeller Foundation Funds Humanitarian Drones Startup - 14:03
- Airstring is live on Kickstarter - 11:00
- Runcam 2 gimbal more prototype - 10:00
- 130mm quad with simple C++ firmware, Part II: The firmware - 01:25 - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Taylor: Zen bude Intelu konkurovat výkonem, spotřebou i parametry, nejen cenou - 16:00
- OpenMandriva jako vůbec první přešla z GCC na LLVM/Clang - 14:00
- Polaris 10 s 2304 SP na 1270 MHz a 7,6GHz pamětmi v databázi SiSoft - 12:00
- Mozilla podala žalobu na FBI, chce informace o zranitelnosti Tor Browseru - 10:00
- Budou 14/16nm GPU nadlouho poslední velkou událostí v grafice? - 08:00
- Linus Torvalds vydal Linux 4.6 - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: QNAP TS-228: elegantní NAS za rozumnou cenu - 02:00
- Nastává válka digitálních asistentů? - 23:45
- Kamera umístěná na robotické ruce umožní robotovi lepší mapování okolí - 23:15
- 3D tiskárna z Harvardu vytváří pomocí laseru kovové výrobky přímo v prostoru - 17:14
- HP začne prodávat rychlé 3D tiskárny Jet Fusion - 16:32
- Backblaze a statistika spolehlivosti HDD: vede HGST - 14:50
- IBM útočí na Intel 3D XPoint se svými TLC PCM - 13:30
- CM připravil tři vlajkové produkty řady Maker - 12:46
- NVIDIA potvrzuje specifikace GTX 1070: předčí i TITAN X - 12:08

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft releases "comprehensive rollup" for Windows 7 that includes all updates since SP1 - 23:30
- Top Android N features detailed at I/O, beta now open to everyone - 23:00
- Google announces new Daydream VR headset and Android VR mode - 22:30
- Google previews Android Wear 2.0, its largest platform update yet - 22:00
- Uber's new Trip Tracker feature lets you follow family members' journeys in real-time - 21:30
- Google Home is the search giant's answer to Amazon's Echo voice assistant - 20:30
- Will the Pilot earpiece be the real-life universal translator we've always wanted? - 20:15
- Watch ArcAttack rock out, use Tesla coils as musical instruments - 19:15
- Watch/Replay Google I/O 2016 keynote, announcements - 18:46
- Following the success of Doom, it looks as if id Software's next project will be a Quake reboot - 18:30
- 167 million LinkedIn accounts for sale on dark market, linked to 2012 breach - 17:45
- Microsoft selling feature phone business as Nokia plans a comeback through licensing - 17:00
- Cable is catching fiber: 10 Gbps in both directions demoed by Bell Labs - 16:00
- Massive hacking forum gets hacked, members' details leaked online - 15:00
- T-Mobile expands Binge On for the fifth time, now has more than 80 partners - 14:00
- Virtual reality brings new life to desktop PCs - 13:00
- Startup founded by ex-Google engineers wants to fit self-driving tech into existing trucks - 04:30
- Nvidia releases GeForce GTX 1070 specifications - 02:15
- Tetris The Movie will be part of a trilogy, filming to begin next year - 01:15
- BitTorrent Live streaming app coming to Apple TV with a free tier at launch, premium channels later - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Subsea ROV has 6 degrees of Freedom + Autopilot - 22:00
- Navid Gornall Eats His Own Face - 20:31
- Flying with Proportional – Integral – Derivative Control - 19:01

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- TDSET3 • SR-ENET • DPO4ENET Ethernet 10/100/1000BASE-T Application Software - 16:30
- USB2 SR-USB DPO4USB MDO3USB Application Software, Datasheet - 16:30
- DPO4LMT / MDO3LMT Limit and Mask Test Application Module, Datasheet - 16:30
- DPO4PWR·MDO3PWR Power Analysis Application Module, Datasheet - 16:30
- DPO7000C Oscilloscope Datasheet - 16:30
- AERO • AUDIO • AUTO • AUTOMAX • COMP • EMBD • FLEX • USB • ENET Serial Triggering and Analysis Ap... - 16:30
- TPP1000 TPP0500B TPP0502 TPP0250 Passive Voltage Probe, Datasheet - 16:30
- TPA N PRE Datasheet - 16:30