Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 18.06.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- CEO Intelu: Musíme zabránit, aby AMD obsadila 15-20 % trhu serverů - 12:00
- RECENZE: Amptron GeForce GTX 980 4GB – aneb padělek z Číny v akci - 10:00
- Gearbest zahajuje letní výprodeje: Jak se v nich vyznat a kde ušetřit? - 09:00
- AMD: Zen zpětinásobil podíl v serverech, od Zen 2 čekáme ještě víc - 08:00
- Nové GeForce přinesou přepracovaný boost a zřejmě i HDMI 2.1 - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Samsung čelí pokutě za porušení patentu na FinFET - 21:17
- USA varuje, jsou tu další kyberútoky ze Severní Koreje - 19:05
- OMDO: zahrajte si Doom ve stereogramu - 18:00
- Výrobci desek pro AMD přestávají podporovat starší CPU - 17:20
- Dell a HP inzerují Optane jako RAM, hraje v tom roli i Intel? - 16:50
- Na jakém hardwaru běžel Cyberpunk 2077? - 15:20
- Opportunity bojuje v bouři, Curiosity si dělá selfie - 14:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Scientists have developed a machine that can solve Rubik's Cube without assistance - 23:14
- AMD trolls Intel with offer to trade in Core i7 CPU for Threadripper - 22:31
- Optane cache drives are not DRAM, but that's not what Intel and OEMs would have you believe - 21:42
- Man arrested for defrauding Walmart of $1.3 million in PC return scheme - 20:53
- BitTorrent Inc. sold to blockchain entrepreneur behind Tron cryptocurrency - 20:16
- Nvidia creates super slow-motion video that is even smoother than a 300K fps camera - 19:45
- Huawei's investment in high-end mobile photography is paying dividends - 19:01
- iOS 12 will automatically share users' location data during 911 calls - 18:36
- Audi CEO arrested in Germany over VW emissions scandal - 17:50
- Google is investing $550 million into China's #2 e-commerce site - 17:12
- Microsoft acquires Flipgrid, a video discussion platform for education - 16:51
- Is this the foldable smartphone Samsung never released? - 16:20
- OpenVPN explains just how bad employees are at maintaining corporate security - 15:45
- Facebook will stop minors from viewing weapon accessory ads - 14:59
- The 2009 iPhone 3GS is once again going on sale in Korea - 14:03
- Foxconn's North American HQ will be in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 13:07
- Opinion: Things Intel Needs to Fix - 09:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Arduino Watchdog Sniffs Out Hot 3D Printers - 22:00
- Buttery Smooth Fades with the Power of HSV - 19:01