Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 18.08.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft odhalil APU / SoC Xbox Series One s RDNA2 a Zen 2 - 12:00
- RECENZE: ASUS ROG Zephyrus G15 GA502IU, aneb G14 s ethernetem a lepší klávesnicí - 10:00
- Ampere nejspíš přinese smysluplnější poměr Int:FP než Volta a Turing - 08:00
- AMD vydává A520, low-endový čipset s mainstreamovou výbavou - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel poodhalil 10nm+ serverové procesory Ice Lake-SP - 17:46
- Průhledné organické solární panely dosáhly 10,8% účinnosti - 16:19
- Apple chce kvůli platbám ve Fortnite zrušit Epic Games jejich vývojářské účty - 14:40
- Microsoft 365 nebude podporován na Internet Exploreru 11, končí i první Edge - 14:22
- Intel: oficiální detaily o 10nm procesorech Tiger Lake - 14:00
- Apple: nezávislé servisy mohou přes IRP nově opravovat i Macy - 13:10
- Tesla se kaje, konečně zavede 2FA. Slibuje detekci výmolů a kozí mečení jako troubení - 10:21

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Nintendo Switch gets two Subnautica ports in 2021 - 22:56
- Oracle reportedly interested in acquiring TikTok operations in multiple regions - 21:32
- Steam users want Microsoft Flight Simulator refund timer extension - 20:57
- GeForce Now brings cloud gaming to even mediocre Chromebooks - 20:23
- Panasonic's Komoru is an all-in-one desk and office cubicle for working at home - 18:22
- Beats 1 is now Apple Music 1, more changes coming to streaming music service - 17:28
- Chrome on Android to label sites that load quickly - 16:05
- Chargeasap's crowdfunded 200W GaN USB-C power brick can charge up to 4 devices simultaneously - 15:35
- Google wants to perform secret 6GHz tests in 17 states - 14:51
- AMD welcomes Flight Simulator 2020 with new driver - 14:36
- Epic Games launches new lawsuit against Apple over threat to Unreal Engine on iOS and Mac - 14:01
- Opinion: Intel chip advancements show they're up for a competitive challenge - 13:08
- RAM and SSD prices will soon plummet due to oversupply and weak demand - 12:16
- Germany and Canada launch their own antitrust investigations into Amazon - 01:49
- Microsoft 365 is dropping support for Internet Explorer 11 next year - 00:01

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Share Your Clipboard Across Machines Using MQTT - 22:00
- Open Exosuit Project Helps Physically Challenged Put One Foot in Front of Another - 20:31

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Microchip Announces High-Speed CoaXPress 2.0 Devices that Speed Machine Vision Image Capture Whil... - 15:05