Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 18.10.2017

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Hardwarový architekt Arun Demeure opouští Imagination Technologies - 13:00
- Fedora 27 zanedlouho, dostává podporu AAC - 10:30
- RECENZE – Middle-Earth: Shadow of War je nadmíru zábavná parodie na Pána prstenů - 09:00
- iPhone 6S explodoval v rukou technika - 08:00
- Canon PowerShot G1 X Mark III aspiruje na pozice APS-C zrcadlovek - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Klasická Amiga oživena na desce formátu Mini-ITX - 14:10
- Windows 10 Fall Creators Update je tu i se smíšenou realitou - 13:20
- Intel uvede na trh AI čip Nervana už tento rok - 12:50
- Asus: Coffee Lake by mohly být kompatibilní se Z270, kdyby Intel chtěl - 12:10

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Motorola adds Alexa integration with latest Moto Mod - 23:32
- ELEX is a SciFi/Fantasy sandbox RPG from the makers of Gothic - 22:24
- Amazon Studio boss Roy Price resigns following allegations of sexual harassment - 22:10
- Activision was just granted a "microtransaction-based matchmaking" patent - 21:22
- Windows 10 ARM battery life is already exceeding expectations - 21:18
- Samsung is ready to produce 8nm chips for mainstream use - 19:49
- Adobe Lightroom CC is a cloud-based editing app with a simplified interface - 19:02
- Qualcomm looks to increase smartwatch battery life with its next generation of chips - 18:21
- Access 80+ hours of programming training for over 90% off - 18:09
- Google Calendar web just got a major visual overhaul - 17:49
- New app uses AI to find naked photos on your camera roll and securely lock them away - 17:03
- Facebook's head of consumer hardware is leaving after just 18 months on the job - 16:13
- Lock down your accounts with Google's new Advanced Protection feature - 15:36
- Watchdog warns of dangerous security vulnerabilities in children's smartwatches - 14:38
- Levi's smart jackets are here to stay - 13:41
- Dead Space creator Visceral Games shut down; upcoming Star Wars game changes direction - 12:59
- Supreme Court to hear landmark Internet privacy case - 12:19
- Microsoft is bringing back the beloved IntelliMouse - 07:08
- Intel Nervana is a neural network processor to accelerate AI - 03:18
- General Motors is first in line to test self-driving car tech in New York City - 01:21
- Killing Floor 2 Halloween Horrors event lands today - 00:42

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Exploiting Weak Crypto on Car Key Fobs - 22:00
- Hackaday Prize Entry: Unlock Your PC The RFID Way - 20:30

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) / Open-Auto Focus (AF) Controller & Driver - 05:26
- 12 V Power MOSFET for 1-Cell Lithium-ion Battery Protection - 05:24
- Non-Synchronous Boost Controller - 05:22