Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 18.11.2022
Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Jeff Bezos chce také většinu svého majetku věnovat na dobročinnost - 20:51
- Nový byznys pro General Motors: servisování elektromobilů Tesla - 18:52
- Intel má zaplatit patentovému trollovi VLSI 949 mil. USD za porušení patentu - 17:10
- El Salvador ode dneška začne nakupovat 1 Bitcoin denně - 13:33
- Autonomní auta Waymo se stávají superlokálními meteorologickými stanicemi - 12:01
- Uniká benchmark mobilní GeForce RTX 4050: překoná RTX 3050 Ti - 11:11
TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Epic Games accuses Google of paying Activision $360 million to stop rival app store, Activision d... - 23:04
- Sonic designer Yuji Naka and two others arrested in Square Enix insider trading scandal - 21:38
- Nvidia and Microsoft working to bring a GPU-based, AI supercomputer to the cloud - 20:54
- Apple silicon supports the ancient Intel 8080 through a secret extension - 19:59
- Lian Li's new V3000 Plus can hold two PCs and four watercooling radiators - 19:21
- The Bored Ape NFT Justin Bieber bought for $1.2 million is now worth $69,000 - 18:11
- iFixit PSA highlights how to safety work with lithium ion batteries - 17:35
- Trivia: Nvidia's first graphics card was released in 1995, what did the "complete" package include? - 17:15
- Magically Master Your Mouse Movement - 16:40
- Twitter locks remaining employees out of offices after hundreds leave following Elon Musk's "hard... - 14:31
- TSA agents found an "artfully concealed" knife inside a laptop - 13:03
- Qualcomm goes beyond the smartphone, shows off new hardware - 12:17
- RTX 4090 owner launches class-action lawsuit against Nvidia over melting adapters - 11:17
- Sonos plans to enter four new product categories starting next year - 01:03
Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Augmented Reality Workbench Helps You to Debug Your Boards - 22:00
- Faceless Clock Makes You Think Twice About How It Works - 20:00