Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 19.01.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Cable-free flight simulator with Spektrum DSM satellite + Arduino - 22:30
- Call for members! - 21:16
- Mapping solution with low cost fixed wing airframe - 19:44
- Hack/Race DIY Robocars this weekend in Oakland - 19:37
- Droiko checkpoint smart mesh - 19:30
- Multi-UAV flights for simultaneous meteorological measurements - 11:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Sapphire má Radeon RX 460 s 1024 stream-procesory - 13:00
- Samsung Galaxy S8 vypadá dobře, podívejte se [video] - 10:30
- AMD Infinity Fabric, víc než jen nový HyperTransport - 09:01
- Hry od počátku po současnost: Gothic dobře i divně, na vrcholu i na dně - 09:00
- Leica M-P (Typ 240) ‘grip‘ by Rolf Sachs s cenovkou 400 tisíc Kč - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Radeon Pro Duo prudce zlevnily na 799 USD - 15:10
- Nový Malware útočí na Chrome a chová se pozoruhodně důvěryhodně - 13:52
- Nová Pentia jsou díky HT velice zajímavou volbou pro levné sestavy - 13:30
- AOC AGON AG352UCG: ultraširoký, prohnutý a synchronizovaný - 11:12
- Vědci z MIT vyrobí 3D tiskem předměty, následně mění vlastnosti materiálu - 00:08

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- 'Resident Evil 7' will be an Xbox Play Anywhere game - 23:45
- NHTSA report says driver in fatal Tesla Autopilot crash had seven seconds to take action - 22:30
- Audible and Apple dissolve longstanding audiobook exclusivity deal - 21:15
- This summer's Emoji movie stars Patrick Stewart as the voice of Poo - 20:15
- Mozilla's new brand identity is the result of crowdsourcing - 19:15
- Use Gmail Filters to Automate your Inbox - 18:30
- YouTube's in-app messaging service is now live in Canada, but other locations can get an early look - 17:30
- Samsung is rolling out Android 7.0 Nougat to the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, other Galaxy devices to f... - 16:30
- Super Mario Run hits Android in March - 15:45
- AMD supports Resident Evil 7: Biohazard with new drivers - 15:15
- Sending this string of emojis in a text message can crash most iPhones or iPads - 14:15
- Hulu CEO talks streaming TV service, offline playback, cloud DVR and more - 13:30
- Microsoft will soon let you access Cortana from your Android lockscreen - 12:15
- Netflix exceeds growth expectations at home and abroad as stock soars - 08:02
- AMD heavily discounts the Radeon Pro Duo ahead of Vega launch - 02:00
- Tesla to start Model 3 part production at Gigafactory with $350 million investment - 01:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Autodesk Moves EAGLE to Subscription Only Pricing - 22:01
- Steve Collins: When Things Go Wrong In Space - 20:31

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Bit Error Rate Tester Datasheet - 15:30

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Obchod za 50 milionů dolarů - 16:38